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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial pointers

News track


President's letter

From Washington: EC directives aim for market harmony

The 1992 unification plans for the 12-nation European Community (EC) have surely been among the most dissected blueprints of the year. Politicians ponder trade agreements, economists refigure potential revenues, and media attention …

ACM forum

Personal computing: compuvision or teleputer

Historically, the computer and communication industries have been separate, although both worked with electronically encoded information and shared similar technology. The regulations that kept computing and communication apart …

Understanding object-oriented: a unifying paradigm

The need to develop and maintain large complex software systems in a competitive and dynamic environment has driven interest in new approaches to software design and development. The problems with the classical waterfall model …

Implementation benefits of C++ language mechanisms

C + + was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s as an extension to the C language, providing data abstraction and object-oriented programming facilities. C + + provides a natural syntactic …

Trellis: turning designs into programs

When designing an object-oriented program, there are several goals to achieve: The program should accurately model the real-world objects to be represented. This leads to a program that is easier to understand and therefore  …

Lessons from the design of the Eiffel libraries

The nature of programming is changing. Most of the software engineering literature still takes for granted a world of individual projects, where the sole aim is to produce specific software systems in response to particular requirements …

Class management for software communities

Object-oriented programming may engender an approach to software development characterized by the large-scale reuse of object classes. Large-scale reuse is the use of a class not just by its original developers, but by other  …

Surveying current research in object-oriented design

The state of object-oriented is evolving rapidly. This survey describes what are currently thought to be the key ideas. Although it is necessarily incomplete, it contains both academic and industrial efforts and describes work …

Concurrent object-oriented programming

Three significant trends have underscored the central role of concurrency in computing. First, there is increased use of interacting processes by individual users, for example, application programs running on X windows. Second …

The object-oriented systems life cycle

In software engineering, the traditional description of the software life cycle is based on an underlying model, commonly referred to as the “waterfall” model (e.g., [4]). This model initially attempts to discretize the identifiable …

Inside risks: a few old coincidences

Computer Puns Considered Harmful: Presented here are two old examples of harmful input sequences that might be called computer puns. Each has a double meaning, depending upon context.Xerox PARC's pioneering WYSI-WYG editor BRAVO …

Introduction—object-oriented design

Object-oriented, a buzzword of the late 1980s, has evolved into an accepted technology that has recognized benefits for the software development process. In its progression from a purely procedural approach, software development …

The 1988–89 Taulbee survey report

This report describes the results of a survey of the Forsythe list of computing Departments1, completed in December, 1989. The survey concerns the production and employment of Ph.D.s that graduated in 1988-892 and the faculty …