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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Copyright and digital libraries

This issue of Communications highlights some of the many projects underway for the creation or enhancement of digital libraries. At the moment, no one seems to think there will be only one gargantuan digital library to sate the …

Digital libraries

Rich interaction in the digital library

Effective information access involves rich interactions between users and information residing in diverse locations. Users seek and retrieve information from the sources—for example, file serves, databases, and digital libraries—and …

The MG retrieval system: compressing for space and speed

Recent advances in compression and indexing techniques have yielded a qualitative change in the feasibility of large-scale full-text retrieval.

NSF Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval

The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) was started at the University of Massachusetts two years ago to do research and technology transfer in the area of distributed, text-based information systems. The CIIR  …

World-Wide Web and computer science reports

With the advent of the World-Wide Web, computing professionals have eagerly pursued the idea of moving from a paper-based technical report service to one that employs networked information systems. Many departments keep some  …

Wide Area Technical Report Service: technical reports online

Wide Area Technical Report Service (WATERS) is a distributed database of computer science technical reports. Contributors are departments of computer science that make their reports, stored locally at their sites, available through …

The information zone system

Spatial data is complex data composed of hundreds or thousands of attribute/value pairs that define logical, physical, and abstract geographic features. It has traditionally been available to researchers and other users as paper …

Dienst: an architecture for distributed document libraries

As one of the five universities participating in the ARPA-sponsored Computer Science Technical Report project, we at Cornell have developed a digital library architecture called Dienst. Dienst is a protocol and implementation …

Knowledge-based editing and visualization for hypermedia encyclopedias

One of the main goals in developing digital libraries is to provide users with opportunities for accessing and using information in highly flexible and user-oriented ways not available in current information repositories. This …

The University of California CD-ROM Information System

The University of California CD-ROM Information System replaces the equivalent of 260,000 books of published federal statistics with a CD-ROM-based online information system. The size of this database is currently 270 CD-ROMs …

Envision: a user-centered database of computer science literature

Project Envision is an early NSF-funded digital library effort to develop a multimedia collection of computer science literature with full-text searching and full-content retrieval capabilities. Envision was launched in 1991  …

Making a digital library: the chemistry online retrieval experiment

The CORE project is an electronic library of primary journal articles in chemistry, containing about five years of twenty primary journals published by the American Chemical Society (about 425,000 pages). Unlike many digital  …

An appreciation of Laurence Rosenberg

It takes many different kinds of contributions to create a viable research community, and many dedicated people have made major contributions in the past decade to make things like the NSF Digital Libraries initiative happen. …

Informedia Digital Video Library

The Informedia Digital Video Library Project is developing new technologies for creating full-content search and retrieval digital video libraries. Working in collaboration with WQED Pittsburgh, the project is creating a testbed …

The Stanford Digital Library Project

The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project will develop enabling technologies for an integrated “virtual” library to provide an array of new services and uniform access to networked information collections. The Integrated …

UC Berkeley's Digital Library project

For digital libraries to succeed, we must abandon the traditional notion of “library” altogether. The reason is as follows: The digital “library” will be a collection of distributed information services; producers of material …

Alexandria Digital Library

The goal of the Alexandria Digital Library Project is to develop a distributed system that provides a comprehensive range of library services for collections of spatially indexed and graphical information. While such collections …

Building the interspace: the Illinois Digital Library Project

The University of Illinois is building a large-scale digital library testbed, planned to grow to thousands of users and thousands of documents, with the goal of bringing professional quality search and display to Internet information …

University of Michigan Digital Library Project

The University of Michigan Digital Library Project (NSF-UMDL) is a multidisciplinary collaboration among faculty and staff throughout the University of Michigan. Initial use and evaluation of the NSF-UMDL will take place in science …

The British Library's initiatives for access projects

The British Library holds over 18 million volumes and is one of the world's greatest treasure houses of written information from every age and culture. In 1993 it published its Strategic Objectives for the Year 2000, which made …

Library of Congress Digital Library effort

The Library of Congress has been actively seeking gift funds to continue the digitization efforts begun five years ago by its American Memory pilot project, which has successfully digitized more than 210,000 items. Many of these …

The roles of digital libraries in teaching and learning

Libraries have long served crucial roles in learning. The first great library, in Alexandria 2,000 years ago, was really the first university. It consisted of a zoo and various cultural artifacts in addition to much of the ancient …

Going digital: a look at assumptions underlying digital libraries

What are digital libraries, how should they be designed, how will they be used, and what relationship will they bear to what we now call “libraries”? Although we cannot hope to answer all these crucial questions in this short …

Digital libraries, value, and productivity

A digital library is popularly viewed an electronic version of a public library. But replacing paper by electronic storage leads to three major differences: storage in digital form, direct communication to obtain material, and …

The ACM electronic publishing plan

For the past three years, the ACM Publications Board has been developing its vision for the future of publication in the electronic age and a program to achieve it. I am pleased to present that plan here. We envisage a diminishing …

Information superhighway 2015

hospitable as the traditional ones.