Goal-oriented and object-oriented analysis should be seen as complementary, the former focusing on the early stages of requirements analysis ...the latter on late stages.John Mylopoulos, Lawrence Chung, Eric Yu Pages 31-37
When the software's preference contradicts good user work practice the power of computing quickly becomes an electronic bureaucratfrustrating productivity while imposing overhead.Keith A. Butler, Chris Esposito, Ron Hebron Pages 38-46
Interleaved analysis of user and object interaction scenarios promotes the understanding of reciprocal opportunities and constraints.Mary Beth Rosson Pages 49-56
If you think it's crowded now, just wait! The Web is heading toward its own year-end calamity unless some skillful maneuvering is appliedquickly.Jakob Nielsen Pages 65-72
Nothing is more likely to undermine the performance and business value of a data warehouse than inappropriate, misunderstood, or ignored data quality.Donald P. Ballou, Giri Kumar Tayi Pages 73-78
Start with the Internet itself for freely available software technologies, then add some custom software.John R. Nicol, Yechezkal S. Gutfreund, Jim Paschetto, Kimberly S. Rush, Christopher Martin Pages 79-85
Before the program can be written, humans have to describe and organize the knowledge it represents according to specific knowledge structures.Pierre N. Robillard Pages 87-92
To make academic research relevant, researchers should try out their theories with practitioners in real situations and real organizations.David E. Avison, Francis Lau, Michael D. Myers, Peter Axel Nielsen Pages 94-97