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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


Staying Connected: Telecom Act, Scene One

From Washington: Infowar: Ak-47s, Lies, and Videotape

On Site: the Need For Speed

Experiences with consumer-oriented, high-speed Internet access technology.

Viewpoint: Challenging the New Conventional Wisdom of Net Commerce Strategies

Defensive Information Warfare

As the wonders of global connectivity unfold, the world is changing its perception toward the use of computers. Computers are no longer viewed as mere number-crunching devices nor is the use of computers limited to the scientific …

High-Confidence Design For Security: Don't Trust?Verify

Don't trust—verify.

Inoculating Software For Survivability

An old adage holds true for software: you can build a stronger system by first breaking it.

A Cop on the Beat: Collecting and Appraising Intrusion Evidence

Effective intrusion detection, like police work, requires prioritization and careful fusion of evidence from disparate sources.

Testing and Evaluating Computer Intrusion Detection Systems

Your mission-critical software has vulnerabilities that intruders will try to exploit. The U.S. Air Force is developing new systems to catch hackers as they search for weak points.

Intrusion Detection For Distributed Applications

A distributed application is vulnerable to attack code masquerading as one of the components. An application that has been trained to recognize "itself" can reject such imposters.

Trusted Recovery

Prevention and detection receive most of the attention, but recovery is an equally important phase of information warfare defense.

The Jini Architecture For Network-Centric Computing

A federation of spontaneously networked electronic components of all types can communicate, interact, and share their services and functions, as explained by Jini's lead architect.

The Recodable Locking Device

Securing information with the world's smallest combination lock.

The Dark Side of Employee Email

Sexual harassment via email may not only get you a stern rejection and cost you your job but leave an electronic trail of legal evidence that can be replayed and reread in a court of law.

A Case of Academic Plagiarism

What's to stop someone—desperate to fulfill a publishing quota—from copying an article posted on a publicly available Web page,repackaging it under another byline, and resubmitting it to another journal?

Inside Risks: Information Is a Double-Edged Sword