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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track

Forum: What Defines a Programming Relic?

Being Blank in Bright Waters

Drastic steps to take oneself out of the grid in order to regain privacy and anonymity in the white noise of the Net.

The Five Orders of Ignorance

Viewing software development as knowledge acquisition and ignorance reduction.

What Use Is a Turing Chatterbox?

Continuing the debate on machine intelligence.

Component-Based Enterprise Frameworks

Component Primer

Laying the foundation.

Modeling Components and Frameworks with -UML

As localized objects evolve into distributed components, developers are asking that UML provide better support for component-based development using EJB and COM+.

Enterprise Frameworks Characteristics, Criteria, and Challenges

Identifying critical issues for selecting or building enterprise frameworks.

Lessons Learned Through Six Years of Component-Based Development

Adjusting to new processes and techniques is an important aspect of project success.

A Hierarchical Framework For Parallel Seismic Applications

Supporting the use of frameworks in the distributed parallel platform.

Component-Based Frameworks For E-Commerce

The software paradigms of component-based frameworks for e-commerce promise to provide companies with the speed and agility they need to compete in Internet time.

The -Ups and Downs of Object-Oriented Systems Development

If experienced developers believe so strongly in the advantages of OO systems development, why is there such controversy about the value of using it?

Enterprise Computing Environments and Cost Assessment

This OO enterprise computing framework model and its complementary cost-assessment model help design enterprise systems' far-flung objects and related business processes while calculating the costs of their planning, development …

On the -Usability of OO Representations

Paying close attention to the tasks OO is best suited for—rather than assuming it's the best option every time—may be one way to maximize the usability of OO approaches.

-Using the Lessons of Y2K to Improve Information Systems Architecture

Organizations miss a tremendous opportunity for gain by regarding the Y2K experience solely as a costly necessity they would just as soon forget.

Toward Intelligent Business Objects

Focusing on techniques to enhance BOs that exhibit goal-oriented behavior.

Tapping on My Network Door