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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


Practical Programmer: Y2K and Believing in Software Practice

Naysayers made an event-turned-nonevent more unpleasant than it needed to be.

On Site: Using Telemedicine in the Department of Defense

Utilizing connectivity to provide and manage medical care in global times of crises.

Sharing Standards: Standardizing the European Information Society

New steps and rapid approaches in the effort to mainstream Europe's standards process.

From the President: Trademarking the Net

Viewpoint: Exploring the Telecommuting Paradox

Perceptual User Interfaces (introduction)

Perceptual User Interfaces: Perceptual Intelligence

Good-bye keyboard, so long mouse. Hello smart rooms and clothes that recognize acquaintances, understand speech, and communicate by gesture. And that's just the beginning. . .

Perceptual -User Interfaces: Haptic Interfaces

Creating interfaces that envelop a sense of touch has met with measured success.

Perceptual -User Interfaces: Multimodal Interfaces that Process What Comes Naturally

Using our highly skilled and coordinated communication patterns to control computers in a more transparent interface experience.

Perceptual -User Interfaces: Affective Perception

Imagine you have just logged into your new computer, and it is displaying some of its fancy features. It then begins asking you a series of questions. You are in a hurry to get to your email, but it pops up with yet another start …

Perceptual -User Interfaces: Things That See

Exploring machine vision for human-computer interaction.

Perceptual -User Interfaces: The KidsRoom

Computer vision sensing technologies turn a child's bedroom into a dreamy wonderland.

Perceptual User Interfaces: Perceptual Bandwidth

What happens to people when computers become perceptually complex?

Programming By Example (Introduction)

Avoiding the voodoo of conventional programming, users get personalized solutions to one-of-a-kind application problems that can be used over and over again.

Programming By Example: Novice Programming Comes of Age

Stagecast Creator lets children and other novice programmers build interactive stories, games, and simulations without syntactic programming languages.

Programming By Example: Intelligence in Demonstrational Interfaces

A system needs the right level of intelligence to infer the correct generalizations from examples while providing enough feedback to keep the user in control.

Programming By Example: Programming By Analogous Examples

Combining programming by example and real-world analogies, users create new behavior out of existing behavior.

Programming By Example: Programming By Demonstration For Information Agents

Let users teach their own imperfect software agents what to do and where to do it.

Programming By Example: Generalizing By Removing Detail

To generalize programs in ToonTalk, use an animated vacuum cleaner to remove the details in virtual robots' thought bubbles.

Programming By Example: Visual Generalization in Programming By Example

Let PBE systems use the visual properties of on-screen interactive elements to bridge the user's view of an application and its underlying programmable functionality.

Thinking Objectively: Software Engineering in the Small

Smaller-sized software companies are developing significant products that need effective, tailored software engineering practices.

Inside Risks: A Tale of Two Thousands

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but now it is time to reflect on the lessons of Y2K.