Diane Crawford
Page 5
Robert Fox
Pages 9-10
Diane Crawford
Pages 11-12
Comparing modern-day project characteristics with yesteryear's.
Phillip Armour
Pages 13-15
While the phone companies and their rivals, the CLECs, fight for broadband dominance, the cable companies are poised to strike.
Neil Munro
Pages 17-19
The effect of repetitive learning is nowhere more dramatic than in mathematics.
Keith Devlin
Pages 21-22
Because of concerns that ACM members and ACM itself could be subjected to civil or criminal prosecutions, the ACM Council voted in June to submit a legal document in support of Felten.
Barbara Simons
Pages 23-26
Tzilla Elrad, Robert E. Filman, Atef Bader
Pages 29-32
How would you define AOP?
Tzilla Elrad, Mehmet Aksit, Gregor Kiczales, Karl Lieberherr, Harold Ossher
Pages 33-38
Java programmers can easily experiment with AOP ideas by using the DJ library.
Karl Lieberherr, Doug Orleans, Johan Ovlinger
Pages 39-41
Simplifying development, evolution, and integration of Java software using Hyper/J.
Harold Ossher, Peri Tarr
Pages 43-50
Supporting both intraclass and interclass crosscutting through model extension.
Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit
Pages 51-57
An aspect-oriented extension to Java enables plug-and-play implementations of crosscutting.
Gregor Kiczales, Erik Hilsdale, Jim Hugunin, Mik Kersten, Jeffrey Palm, William Griswold
Pages 59-65
How AOP technologies can promote better design practices is an essential issue concerning the potential benefits of the technology.
J. Andrés Díaz Pace, Marcelo R. Campo
Pages 66-73
Determining the best method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new technology.
Gail C. Murphy, Robert J. Walker, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Martin P. Robillard, Albert Lai, Mik A. Kersten
Pages 75-77
Using AOP to improve OS structure modularity.
Yvonne Coady, Gregor Kiczales, Mike Feeley, Norm Hutchinson, Joon Suan Ong
Pages 79-82
A framework for the design of on-demand system remodularization.
Paniti Netinant, Tzilla Elrad, Mohamed E. Fayad
Pages 83-85
Uniting AOP with model-integrated computing.
Jeff Gray, Ted Bapty, Sandeep Neema, James Tuck
Pages 87-93
Providing programmers with the capability to modify the default behavior of a programming language.
Gregory T. Sullivan
Pages 95-97
Despite the popular view that Java implementations are inefficient (compared to their Fortran, C, and C++ counterparts), high-performance applications, which demand execution efficiency, are finding ways to exploit Java that …
Cherri Pancake, Christian Lengauer
Pages 98-101
The authors' Numerically INtensive JAva programming environment shows that Java can be made to produce Fortran- and C-like performance for applications involving high-performance numerical computing.
José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Pedro V. Artigas, Peng Wu, George Almasi
Pages 102-109
Exploiting distributed shared memory and remote method invocation adapts pure Java for large-scale, distributed-memory parallel machines and their applications.
Thilo Kielmann, Philip Hatcher, Luc Bougé, Henri E. Bal
Pages 110-117
The result is a promising programming approach for enabling, controlling, and coordinating resource sharing in computational Grids.
Vladimir Getov, Gregor von Laszewski, Michael Philippsen, Ian Foster
Pages 118-125
Examining the software problem from a scientific standpoint.
Henry F. Ledgard
Pages 126-128
It all starts at the beginning: OO programming learned naturally, not procedurally.
Ralph Westfall
Pages 129-130
Stephan Somogyi, Bruce Schneier
Page 168