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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Editorial Pointers

News Track


The Profession of IT: Who Are We?

This new column calls for information technology to be defined as a profession rather than a discipline and invites computer scientists to cross the chasm.

Staying Connected: Name Is the Game

A rose by any other name may be just what the company needs in this manic era of corporate image adjustments.

On Site: to Opt-in or Opt-Out?: It Depends on the Question

Securing Network Software Applications: Introduction

Trust (and Mistrust) in Secure Applications

Exploring and considering trust assumptions during every stage of software development.

Security Models For Web-Based Applications

Using traditional and emerging access control approaches to develop secure applications for the Web.

The Privacy Practices of Web Browser Extensions

Whatever they are, the full terms of privacy these products offer are seldom made clear.

Software Security and Privacy Risks in Mobile E-Commerce

Examining the risks in wireless computing that will likely influence the emerging m-commerce market.

An Operating System Approach to Securing E-Services

Implementing Trusted Linux, an ideal platform for e-services application hosting.

Intellectual Property For an Information Age: Introduction

How to balance the public interest, traditional legal principles, and the emerging digital reality.

Copyrightable Functions and Patentable Speech

Defying the legal categories of patent, copyright, and protected speech, and barring a new category all its own, software may be destined for further awkward accommodation in established law.

The Digital Dilemma

How intellectual property laws might embrace the apparently paradoxical goals of motivating individual creation and preserving the ultimate benefits of that creation for the common good.

The Battle Over the Institutional Ecosystem in the Digital Environment

How U.S. law, by adding exclusive private rights to information, favors traditional industrial production of information products and discourages the emerging culture of Net-based peer production.

The Collision of Trademarks, Domain Names, and due Process in Cyberspace

The increasingly uneasy coexistence between the Internet's domain-name system and established trademark law raises questions about whether the Internet's regulations are technically expert or democratic and fair.

Is Virtual Trespass an Apt Analogy?

Despite the appeal of equating virtual and real property rights, providing relatively open Web access is likely to yield a more vibrant Internet.

Inside Risks: What to Know About