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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


News Track

Forum: Participatory Vs. Representative Democracy

Practical Programmer: Academics, and the Scarlet Letter 'A'

The computing world desperately needs truth-seekers, and fewer Advocates.

The Profession of IT: Crossing the Chasm

The keys to a coherent profession are bridges between computing technologists and the multitude.

Viewpoint: On Bias, Science, Equal Protection, and Liability

The influence of social climate on judgement.

Agent-Oriented Technology For Telecommunications: Introduction

An Agent-Based Approach For Building Complex Software Systems

Why agent-oriented approaches are well suited for developing complex, distributed systems.

Agent-Based Telematic Services and Telecom Applications

A toolkit for realizing rapid development, deployment, and management of agent-based systems and services.

Community-Based Service Location

How virtual communities and software agents can be used to provide and locate trustworthy services on the Internet.

Service Creation and Management in Active Telecom Networks

Establishing a framework allowing customers to run their own customized services over a provider's network.

Communication Management Experiences in E-Commerce: Using a Multiagent System to Provide Intermediation Service in an E-Commerce Environment

Using a multiagent system to provide intermediation service in an e-commerce environment.

Agent-Oriented Technology in Support of E-Business

Enabling the development of "intelligent" business agents for adaptive, reusable software.

E-Commerce and the Information Market

Orchestrating online transactions between suppliers and customers, infomediaries walk a fine line creating services, controlling costs, and not winding up as order-takers for larger entities.

Blowing the Whistle on Troubled Software Projects

Despite inevitable personal risk, auditors owe their organizations accurate information about project status, especially bad news, in the interests of halting software project runaways. Management owes them the courtesy of listening …

Targeting Audiences on the Internet

How can researchers and communicators reach their desired audience on the Internet? Can Internet users be successfully and responsibly recruited as participants in studies and surveys? A recent exploration of these questions …

Bottom-up Design of Active Object-Oriented Databases

Top-down design approaches give database designers little guidance with transforming a conceptual model into an active object-oriented database schema. A bottom-up design approach may provide a better perspective.

Thinking Objectively: Software Process Improvement in the Small

A small software development company's most difficult challenge: changing processes to match changing circumstances.

Inside Risks: Cyber Underwriters Lab