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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News tracks

News Tracks


Embrace the Engineering Metaphor

COLUMN: Log on education

Examining 25 Years of Technology in U.S. Education

The potential of technology has not been realized in primary and secondary classrooms. What conditions aren't being met, and what must be done.
COLUMN: Practical programmer

The Proof of Correctness Wars

Whether mild or raging, wars about topics ranging from programming languages to methods of indentation are healthy for our field.
COLUMN: Viewpont

Hypercomputation: Hype or Computation?

Can we physically implement a hypercomputer? So far no one has.
COLUMN: On site

Additional Methods When Using Email For Teaching

Providing additional functionality and limiting problems by combining a server-side and client-side approach when teaching with email applications.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Evolving data mining into solutions for insights

Evolving Data Into Mining Solutions For Insights

Our ability to capture and store data far outpaces our ability to process and exploit it.

Data-Driven Evolution of Data Mining Algorithms

Fundamentally, these algorithms are driven by the nature of the data being analyzed, in both scientific and commercial applications.

Scaling Mining Algorithms to Large Databases

Which insights about data structure make it possible to analyze the very large databases collected by Internet, business, scientific, and government applications?

Emerging Trends in Business Analytics

The goal is business effectiveness through 'verticalization,' usability, and integration with operational systems.

Business Applications of Data Mining

They help identify and predict individual, as well as aggregate, behavior, as illustrated by four application domains: direct mail, retail, automobile insurance, and health care.

Emerging Scientific Applications in Data Mining

Automated, scalable systems would reveal and help exploit the deeper meanings in scientific data, especially in biomedical engineering, telecommunications, geospatial exploration, and climate and Earth ecosystem modeling.

Data Mining Standards Initiatives

Lacking standards for statistical and data mining models, applications cannot leverage the benefits of data mining.

Swarm Intelligence: Power in Numbers

Following a trail of insects as they work together to accomplish a task offers unique possibilities for problem solving.

Keeping E-Business in Perspective

As some firms have discovered (usually the hard way), e-business does not fit every business.

Web-Enabled Transformation of the Brokerage Industry

Understanding the strengths and limitations of emerging business models.

Gender Differences in Perceptions of Web-Based Shopping

Women have yet to welcome Web-based shopping as readily as men. A primary factor for this state is how men and women view shopping. Understanding those differences will help vendors address this vital pool of consumers.

Social Networks in the Virtual Science Laboratory

Communicating scientists' behavior, as well as their ideas, computer-supported cooperative work technology fosters virtual social networks of far-flung collaborators pursuing mutual interests and experiments.

Explaining Cultural Differences in Decision Conferencing

A comparison of two cultures---Western and Asian---in the context of group conflict generation and management.

Changes in Computer Science Accreditation

Computer science evolves, program evaluation techniques shift, and the accreditation process must keep pace to reflect those changes.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Primitive Types in Java Considered Harmful

Expression evaluation raises doubts about Java as an exemplar programming language when teaching the object-oriented paradigm.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Risks in Features vs. Assurance