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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



DEPARTMENT: Technology strategy and management

Finding Your Balance in the Products and Services Debate

Software companies must balance product and service revenues to survive bad times and grow rapidly in good times.
DEPARTMENT: The profession of IT

The Missing Customer

We can no longer afford to treat our customers as abstract entities. They are real people with real concerns seeking our professional assistance.

The Rise and Fall of an E-Commerce Program

E-commerce may be here to stay, but how to teach it is still up for debate at many institutions.

Bounty Hunting in the Patent Base

Like Robin Hood and his band of merry men, patent bounty hunters and software agent communities may one day patrol the patent kingdom.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Attentive user interfaces


If there was a Moore's Law for user interfaces, it would state that the number of computers per user will double every two years. In the past four decades, we have moved from many users sharing a single mainframe computer through …

What's in the Eyes For Attentive Input

Eye-tracking systems hold some of the greatest potential among AUIs. Here, two systems that focus on eye gazing demonstrate how this simple form of visual attention can perform a level of common interactive tasks.

Interacting with Groups of Computers

AUIs recognize human attention in order to respect and react to how users distribute their attention in technology-laden environments.

Models of Attention in Computing and Communication: from Principles to Applications

Creating computing and communication systems that sense and reason about human attention by fusing together information from multiple streams.

Focusing on the Essential: Considering Attention in Display Design

Attentive displays address the need for rendering power and computer display resolution. The five examples presented here illustrate a common goal with very different approaches to achieving it.

Attuning Notification Design to User Goals and Attention Costs

Why is the attentive user interface paradigm important for human-computer interaction? The human attention system is so sensitive to various methods of notification that traditional design involves too much compromise and guesswork …

Adaptive Brain Interfaces

Users interact with physical devices through nothing more than the voluntary control of their own mental activity.

A Framework For Using Insurance For Cyber-Risk Management

Seeking to protect an organization against a new form of business losses.

Spatial Data Integration in a Collaborative Design Framework

Building an extended architecture to eliminate boundaries to accessing and sharing data.

The New Productivity Paradox

High valuation multiples on IT spending suggest that companies are underinvesting in IT.

Third-Generation Information Architecture

Addressing the imbalance favoring technology over information structure and design, it redirects corporate information strategy toward exploiting information as a corporate resource.

Deficiencies in LDAP When Used to Support PKI

Problems arise when a protocol initially developed to simplify access to a distributed directory failed to take into account all the uses the directory was originally intended for.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Object-Oriented Programming of Integrated Circuits

New programming architecture is revolutionizing how programmers control hardware circuitry.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Risks of Total Surveillance