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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: The business of software

Not-Defect: the Mature Discipline of Testing

Taking a deliberate, measured approach to software development and testing.
COLUMN: Hot links

Hot Links

COLUMN: Viewpoint

Voluntary Collective Licensing For Music File Sharing

Why can't American peer-to-peer file sharers have the same deal the broadcast radio industry has had for almost 100 years?
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Reflections on Free and Open Software

Considering the often overlapping perspectives in the software development realm.
SPECIAL ISSUE: The problems and potentials of voting systems


Voting Systems Standards and Certifications

Surveying the effort to create a new implementation-independent voting system standard.

Independent Testing of Voting Systems

Implementing Voting Systems: the Georgia Method

Sharing the experiences of the first statewide adoption of a computerized election process.

Small Vote Manipulations Can Swing Elections

Considering the effects and implications of changing only a single vote per machine.

Auditing Elections

Exploiting the redundancy in election records to conduct useful audits and improve the system design process.

The Code of Elections

The disparity between the code of election law and the code that comprises election equipment reflects inherent problems in the translation of social policies into computer procedures and overseeing processes.

Analyzing Internet Voting Security

An extensive assessment of a proposed Internet-based voting system.

Source Availability and E-Voting: an Advocate Recants

A former proponent of requiring the availability of e-voting system source code explains why he no longer develops source-available e-voting software.

ACM Statement on Voting Systems

The Association recommends more attention to integrity, security, and usability in the design and use of all voting systems.

Latency Lags Bandwith

As I review performance trends, I am struck by a consistent theme across many technologies: bandwidth improves much more quickly than latency. Here, I list a half-dozen performance milestones to document this observation, many …

Cyber Warfare: Steganography vs. Steganalysis

For every clever method and tool being developed to hide information in multimedia data, an equal number of clever methods and tools are being developed to detect and reveal its secrets.

Open Source Software Development Should Strive For Even Greater Code Maintainability

A study of almost six million lines of code tracks how freely accessible source code holds up against time and multiple iterations.

Evaluating E-Commerce Functionality with a Focus on Customer Service

B2C Web sites allow companies to present their unique advantages, as long as they provide the necessary customer service. This checklist will help developers create more effective B2C sites.

Portals: Toward an Application Framework For Interoperability

A common portal definition, universal client, and application-support infrastructure would turn the portal concept on its head, eventually shifting control from the information providers to the information consumers.

A Survey of Online E-Banking Retail Initiatives

Customer demand is forcing banks to provide their services online. There are two successful paths they can take: to grow, or to specialize in providing localized services and information.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Who Values Technology Certification?

When it comes to gauging the value of IT certification for assessing the competency of job candidates, it really all depends on who's doing the hiring.
COLUMN: Inside risks

The Nonsecurity of Secrecy