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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: Digital village

Wireless Infidelity Ii: Airjacking

Assessing the extent of the security risks involved in wireless networking technology by considering three possible scenarios demonstrating vulnerabilities.

Top 10 Downloads from Acm's Digital Library

DEPARTMENT: President's letter

The Health of Research Conferences and the Dearth of Big Idea Papers

COLUMN: Security watch

The Many Colors of Multimedia Security

Protection of artistic content from illegal distribution involves significant gray areas in terms of methods and laws.
SPECIAL ISSUE: The blogosphere


Weblogs are a relatively new form of mainstream personal communication, like instant messaging, email, cell phones, and Web pages. They're also a new voice for traditional mass-market newspapers, magazines, and broadcasters.

Structure and Evolution of Blogspace

A critical look at more than one million bloggers and the individual entries of some 25,000 blogs reveals blogger demographics, friendships, and activity patterns over time.

Why We Blog

Bloggers are driven to document their lives, provide commentary and opinions, express deeply felt emotions, articulate ideas through writing, and form and maintain community forums.

Semantic Blogging and Decentralized Knowledge Management

Tapping into the structured metadata in snippets of information gives communities of interest effective access to their collective knowledge.

How Blogging Software Reshapes the Online Community

Spurred by easy-to-use commercial software, blogging is less about creating links and references to sites and sources, and increasingly about bloggers' own comments and personal interests.

Democracy and Filtering

The Web gives us the ability to filter out unwanted noise and to create our own personal echo chambers---but democracy itself means each of us should be exposed to new topics and contrary opinions.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Like It or Not, Web Services Are Distributed Objects

Despite the push to adopt Web services as the universal OO architecture, the Web services reliability model ignores many real-world issues routinely encountered by users.

ACM Annual Report For Fy04

The Obstacles and Myths of -sability and Software Engineering

Avoiding the usability pitfalls involved in managing the software development life cycle.

Using Choiceboards to Create Business Value

Choiceboards empower users while saving companies money---but the technology needs to be carefully tailored to provide the best customer experience.

Cyberaccess: Web Accessibility and Corporate America

Many corporate Web sites contain barriers to accessibility. Fortunately, removing these obstacles will prove both relatively simple and beneficial.

Building Systems that -sers Want to use

User commitment is essential to the success of even the best-designed IT systems. And to make that connection successfully begins by examining the burning question: "Does IT matter?"

Software Development Teams

Considering three software development team archetypes and their implications.

E-Commerce and Tourism

Travel and tourism are illustrating how e-commerce can change the structure of an industry---and in the process create new business opportunities.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Spamming, Phishing, Authentication, and Privacy