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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track




Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Security watch

Challenges in Forensic Computing

The ever-changing nature of technology contributes to the problems encountered by experts when collecting and preparing digital evidence for courtroom presentation.
COLUMN: Digital village

Pernicious Ports

Identifying and defending against port-related vulnerabilities.
COLUMN: President's letter

Robots in the Desert: A Research Parable For Our Times

DARPA's grand challenge spurred advances in the application of AI and, ironically, acted as a referendum on its de-emphasis on academic research.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Student Research and the Internet

To help students understand the art of research and the reliability of sources in the age of online information, we should teach them about the nature of `truth'.
SPECIAL ISSUE: The semantic e-business vision


Much work is required to understand how the conceptualizations that comprise business processes across the extended enterprise can be captured, represented, shared, and processed by both human and intelligent software agents. …

Using the Web Service Modeling Ontology to Enable Semantic E-Business

The Web infrastructure offers businesses a way to partner and work together, integrating differing applications and communications in a seamless manner.

Secure Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web

Strengthening security within the domain of shared knowledge is a critical issue, and great challenge, to businesses today. A number of different protocols currently available offer an array of benefits and limitations.

A Semantic Approach to Monitor Business Process

Finding an effective method for managing and evaluating the performance of business processes is a key element for e-business success.

Toward an Ontology-Driven Architectural Framework For B2B

Moving online business processes and practices from a static collection of data to a distributed multiprocessing framework of interoperability.

Unified Activity Management: Supporting People in E-Business

Meshing formal business processes with informal human collaborations is needed to support business activities.

Directions For Security and Privacy For Semantic E-Business Applications

Developing secure semantic e-business applications requires focusing first on securing the Semantic Web, knowledge management, and e-business processes.

Model-Driven Business Transformation and the Semantic Web

Coupling business and IT models provides a top-down business perspective.

Separate Handles from Names on the Internet

The human meaning of domain names attracts conflict over their control, degrading their reliability as permanent handles. Solution: support handles separately from names.

Agile Project Management: Steering from the Edges

Agile project management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear development methods.

Does Avatar Email Improve Communication?

Seeking to enhance communication systems by adding expressive cues.

Practical Knowledge Management Tool use in a Software Consulting Company

Assessing the contribution of a technical skills management tool for supporting organizational learning.

Challenges and Constraints to the Diffusion of Biometrics in Information Systems

Biometrics are a promising technology for improving security, if they can overcome technical and social challenges.

Enhancing Efficiency in the Health Care Industry

Using critical data and predictive modeling can help identify high-risk candidates in a total health plan population.

Calling For Programmed Technology Transfer and Adoption Strategies For Sustainable LDC Growth

Developing nations need a technology jumpstart—via basic technologies geared toward education, farming, and health care.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Wikipedia Risks