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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track




ACM Fellows

DEPARTMENT: President's letter

20th Century vs. 21st Century C&c: the Spur Manifesto

As technologists, we must confront the current weaknesses and deliver on the potential opportunities of computer and communication technologies in the 21st century. Consider this a call to arms for tackling that challenge.
COLUMN: The business of software

Project Portfolios: Organizational Management of Risk

Assessing companies' differing attitudes toward identifying and calculating risk-taking endeavors.

Top 10 Downloads from Acm's Digital Library

COLUMN: Viewpoint

Why Computer Scientists Should Attend Hacker Conferences

Along with the intellectual challenge, scientists may appreciate the technical insight, especially about security, ethical honesty, and common computing interests.
COLUMN: Practical programmer

The First Business Application: a Significant Milestone in Software History

Celebrating the pivotal role of the first business applications software.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Legislative Challenges to the sony Safe Harbor Rule

Congressional proposals to regulate infringement-enabling technologies are described and the implications discussed.
SPECIAL ISSUE: The disappearing computer


It seems like a paradox but it will soon become reality: The rate at which computers disappear will be matched by the rate at which information technology will increasingly permeate our environment and our lives.

Delivering Real-World -biquitous Location Systems

To be widely adopted, location-aware computing must be as effortless, familiar, and rewarding as searching the Web. There are many challenges to this quest, but recent progress has demonstrated accurate location estimation using …

Building Disappearing Computers

A trio of systems illustrates the challenges of designing large displays for use in ubiquitous computing environments that are, indeed, unremarkable.

Context Is Key

Context is not simply the state of a predefined environment with a fixed set of interaction resources. It's part of a process of interacting with an ever-changing environment composed of reconfigurable, migratory, distributed …

Bridging the Physical and Digital in Pervasive Gaming

A new generation of entertainment technology takes computer games to the streets---and ultimately beyond.

Privacy and Trust Issues with Invisible Computers

A set of designer guidelines from the European Union offers the first step in building privacy-aware systems.

Hybrid Design Creates Innovative Museum Experiences

Assembling mixed media artifacts in order to create engaging museum environments.

Smart-Its: Computers For Artifacts in the Physical World

Tiny embedded devices attached to everyday objects can transform them with sensing, perception, computation, and communication abilities.

Ad-Hoc Composition in Wearable and Mobile Computing

Changing computing capabilities can be as easy as changing outfits.

Extrovert Gadgets

Configuring and reconfiguring ubiquitous applications composed of communicating artifacts.

Sensate Media

The ability to blend diverse sensors in close proximity promises to usher in a new generation of electronic skins that hold the potential for revolutionary applications.

Examples of Commercial Applications of -biquitous Computing

Emerging tools will simply transform business practices---and customer expectations---in the near future.

Computer Science and Bioinformatics

In barely half a century computer science has grown from infancy to maturity. Employment in computer science was assured until a few years ago. Today, however, like in the 1960s, when demand for physicists waned, computer scientists …

A Comparison of Data Warehousing Methodologies

Using a common set of attributes to determine which methodology to use in a particular data warehousing project.
DEPARTMENT: SIGs elections

Sigs Announce Candidates For Election

Do Consumers -nderstand the Role of Privacy Seals in E-Commerce?

E-Commerce sales in the U.S. totaled $56.0 billion in 2003, an increase of 26.4% over the 2002 total of $44.3 billion [7]. This increase was achieved at a time when the U.S. economy teetered in and out of recession. While e-commerce …

A Multiagent System For U.S. Defense Research Contracting

The Multi-Agent Contracting System incorporates both learning and a natural language interface to automate contracting officer query resolution during the process of defense contract acquisition.

Java Distributed Components For Numerical Visualization in Visad

Combining a flexible data model and distributed objects, they support the sharing of data, visualizations, and user interfaces among multiple data sources, computers, and scientific disciplines.

The State of -ser-Centered Design Practice

User-Centered Design (UCD) is a multidisciplinary design approach based on the active involvement of users to improve the understanding of user and task requirements, and the iteration of design and evaluation. It is widely considered …

How the Mobile Communication Markets Differ in China, the -U.S., and Europe

Despite the 2001 downturn in the global telecommunications market, the mobile penetration rate in China is increasing due to the elimination or reduction of mobile connection fees. The mobile market worldwide is dynamic in terms …
COLUMN: Technical opinion

The Bubble of Web Visibility

Promoting visibility as seen through the unique lens of search engines.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Anticipating Disasters