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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: Security watch

Trusting in Transparency

In providing security assurances, transparency and trust are inherently intertwined concepts, but their relationship is not well understood.

Top 10 Downloads from Acm's Digital Library

COLUMN: Staying connected

It's the FCC on the Line

Indecency is just one channel of a post-Powell FCC show.
DEPARTMENT: President's letter

Recognizing Individual Excellence Helps US All

In addition to honoring individuals who have advanced our field, recognizing technical excellence enhances the image of our profession and helps attract the best and brightest to our field.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

How to Prepare Tomorrow's Technologists For Global Networks of Innovation

University curricula must prepare them to be able to recognize and embrace technologies, components, markets, and customers wherever in the world they happen to be.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Adaptive complex enterprises


It is common knowledge that individuals, the communities in which we live, and the organizations we create adapt over time and changing conditions. It is also generally understood that organizations, communities, and individuals …

Health Care and Services Delivery Systems as Complex Adaptive Systems

Alan Turing and John von Neumann pioneered the study of complex systems. In analyzing feedback processes, they were interested in how complex interacting systems can respond to new information. Among other things, they found …

Test Beds For Complex Systems

Global competition requires major manufacturers to increase productivity, quality, and responsiveness while simultaneously decreasing costs and time to market. To achieve these seemingly conflicting requirements, many manufacturers …

Fractal Architecture For the Adaptive Complex Enterprise

Today's businesses must continuously adapt to external conditions in accelerated time frames. This requires businesses to shift from strategies that eliminate variation to those that embrace variation and changing conditions. …

It-Enabled Sense-and-Respond Strategies in Complex Public Organizations

City governments face difficult challenges in serving their increasingly Net-connected constituencies in an environment of change, uncertain demand, and reduced budgets. These conditions require their IT departments to enable …

Designing Sticky Knowledge Networks

Much of any organization's experience and expertise remains underused and underexploited simply because it resides not in databases, repositories, or manuals but in the minds of its employees. Attempting to harness such distributed …

Challenges of Migrating to Agile Methodologies

Software development methodologies are constantly evolving due to changing technologies and new demands from users. Today's dynamic business environment has given rise to emergent organizations that continuously adapt their structures …

Business Types, E-Strategies, and Performance

Of the multitude of dot-coms in existence in the 1990s, only a fraction survived the crash of the e-commerce (EC) market in the summer of 2000. These companies must now rediscover the principles that governed businesses prior …

The (gradually) Changing Face of State It Jobs

Working for the state once meant long hours, low pay, and lots of red tape. That picture has certainly changed in recent years, as state governments plan to compete with the private sector for top IT talent.

A Covenant with Transparency: Opening the Black Box of Models

One important ethical aspect of the use of models for decision making is the relative power of the various actors involved in decision support: the modelers, the clients, the users, and those affected by the model. Each has a …

Scale-Free Geometry in Oo Programs

Though conventional OO design suggests programs should be built from many small objects, like Lego bricks, they are instead built from objects that are scale-free, like fractals, and unlike Lego bricks.

Information Dissemination via Wireless Broadcast

Unrestricted mobility adds a new dimension to data access methodology--- one that must be addressed before true ubiquity can be realized.

The Lowell Database Research Self-Assessment

Database needs are changing, driven by the Internet and increasing amounts of scientific and sensor data. In this article, the authors propose research into several important new directions for database management systems.
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Potential Pitfalls in Packaged Software Adoption

Numerous organizational considerations influence packaged software purchasing.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Risks of Third-Party Data