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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



DEPARTMENT: President's letter

Reflections on a Programming Olympiad

Does ACM's programming contest give insight into the relative strengths of IT education around the world?

Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: The profession of IT

The Locality Principle

Locality of reference is a fundamental principle of computing with many applications. Here is its story.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

The Puzzle of Japanese Software

Searching for answers to the many questions of software production.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Instant Messaging and the Future of Language

The writing style commonly used in IMing, texting, and other forms of computer-mediated communication need not spell the end of normative language.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Designing for the mobile device: experiences, challenges, and methods


New computing and communication platforms create the possibility for new business models and new applications to support and enhance our lives. But new platforms also challenge us to reinvent design methods and principles. As …

Contextual and Cultural Challenges For User Mobility Research

Personal, mobile synchronous and asynchronous communication has proven to be very desirable for all types of users, with estimates of more than a half-billion mobile phones sold each year [2]. Nokia Research Center's User Experience …

Mobile Research Strategies For a Global Market

The user-centered design focus at Microsoft has evolved in parallel with emerging mobile technologies. We started with a Contextual Inquiry (CI) initiative in 1997 to gather mobile communication and information requirements in …

A Carrier's Perspective on Creating a Mobile Multimedia Service

Carriers sit at the center of the complex intercompany ecosystems that bring mobile products and services to the consumer mass market. In fact, to a large extent, carriers create, shape, and coordinate these systems. Carriers …

Applying -ser-Centered Design to Mobile Application Development

Digia was among the first companies to develop third-party software applications that can be installed in Symbian smart phones by service providers or end users [3]. In 2001, Digia was searching for new product ideas for the …

For Mobile Applications, Branding Is Experience

Mobile technology is everywhere---with new types of mobile devices appearing regularly. While branding of the devices themselves can draw upon a long history of product branding, the branding of mobile applications presents new …

Metadata Lessons from the Ilumina Digital Library

They follow from the five-year effort to implement metadata standards for learning objects in the iLumina digital library of undergraduate teaching resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.

Immersive Authoring: What You eXperience Is What You Get (WYXIWYG)

Users experience and verify immersive content firsthand while creating it within the same virtual environment.

Does Spell-Checking Software Need a Warning Label?

Users---ironically, often those most verbally armed---put too much trust and little effort in questioning spell- and grammar-checking programs.

A Closer Look at Attention to Detail

Beyond communications, interpersonal, and leadership skills, there's another `non-technical skill' fundamental to success in IT.

Scientific Web Intelligence: Finding Relationships in University Webs

Methods for analyzing university Web sites demonstrate strong patterns that can reveal interconnections between research fields.

The Internet-Based Education Bandwagon: Look Before You Leap

Online students may perform as well as those in traditional classrooms, but what about the quality of their learning experience?
COLUMN: Technical opinion

-Understanding the Interactivity Between Television and Mobile Commerce

Changing audience dynamics from passivity to active participation.
COLUMN: Inside risks

DRM and Public Policy