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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track



COLUMN: The business of software

The Operational Executive Sponsor

The sometimes-missing link in software process change.
COLUMN: Practical programmer

Is the Crouching Tiger a Threat?

Considering the changing representation of the computing community.
COLUMN: The European report

Europe's Computer Scientists Take Fate Into Their Own Hands

CS chairs from universities throughout Europe and beyond came together for a momentous meeting to examine the fate and the future of the field.
DEPARTMENT: Call for nominations for advanced member grades in the ACM

Call For Nominations For Advanced Member Grades in the ACM

COLUMN: President's letter

Computer Science Education in the 21st Century

To draw students to CS, we must first look to create a curriculum that reflects the exciting opportunities and challenges of IT today versus the 1970s. Future students and faculty would greatly benefit from a reinvigorated CS …

Reviving Your Favorite CS Books

COLUMN: Viewpoint

Computational Thinking

It represents a universally applicable attitude and skill set everyone, not just computer scientists, would be eager to learn and use.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Self-managed systems and services


Automatic Recovery from Software Failure

A model-based approach to self-adaptive software.

Effective Web Service Load Balancing Through Statistical Monitoring

Identifying the correlated effects between components to improve response to overload.

Supporting Application Quality of Service in Shared Resource Pools

Dividing an application's workload demands to better manage resource capacity.

Biologically Inspired Self-Adaptive Multi-Path Routing in Overlay Networks

Using randomness to find optimal solutions in selecting network paths.

Creating an Adaptive Network of Hubs Using Schelling's Model

Adjusting the overlay network topology in a peer-to-peer network to satisfy performance criteria.

ACM Fellows

Mobile Web Surfing Is the Same as Web Surfing

Even in the new context, users surf in the usual way.

Maintaining Distributed Relationships

Electronic communication works best when it increases interaction and collaboration through a variety of media.

Management Issues of Internet/Web Systems

Both rapid development and the ways they are used make managing Internet/Web systems different from managing traditional computer systems. Understanding the differences is important for developing and managing these systems.  …

Argumentation Support: From Technologies to Tools

A plethora of technologies exist that are not necessarily tools. For technologies to become a tool, we contend, argumentation routines and design must coevolve.

Applications Quest: Computing Diversity

It helps admissions officers review college applicants holistically.

ERP II: Best Practices For Successfully Implementing an ERP Upgrade

An ERP upgrade is deceptively complex and can be daunting---especially for organizations ignorant of the massive effort required to do it correctly.

Women in Computer Science: No Shortage Here!

The dwindling number of women pursuing a degree in CS is a growing frustration for many countries around the globe, but in Malaysia female CS/IT students outnumber the males. What accounts for this dichotomy?
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Using Bulletin Boards in an Educational Setting

Examining the benefits associated with the use of threaded message postings systems.

Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Inside risks

Real ID, Real Trouble?