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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Editorial pointers

Editorial Pointers

DEPARTMENT: News track

News Track

COLUMN: The profession of IT

Computing Is a Natural Science

Information processes and computation continue to be found abundantly in the deep structures of many fields. Computing is not---in fact, never was---a science only of the artificial.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

The Changing Labyrinth of Software Pricing

Exploring the malleable revenue pathways among the different varieties of pricing strategies.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Public vs. Private Interest on the Internet

Why network owners should not be the sole arbiters of access to networks, including the Internet.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Creating a science of games


The same technology that makes interactive 3D games so entertaining in the physical action domain is just as effective in education, training, and other more serious applications.

Games For Science and Engineering Education

Video games can teach science and engineering better than lectures. Are they a cure for a numbing 200-person class?

Games For Training

DARPA simulations teach habits of thought so soldiers respond on the first day of combat as if they had been there a week. More often than not, it's don't shoot, talk instead.

How to Build Serious Games

Like a discovery game that requires players to earn the right to take on new challenges, Immune Attack compels its players to learn the rules of the immune system before it reveals deeper biological insight.

Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center: Combining the Left and Right Brain

This professional master's degree program puts artists and technologists together on interdisciplinary teams to create interactive experiences.

Using Storytelling to Motivate Programming

Using the Storytelling Alice programming environment to create computer-animated movies inspires middle school girls' interest in learning to program computers.

Real-Time Sound Synthesis and Propagation For Games

Simulating the complete process of sound synthesis and propagation by exploiting aural perception makes the experience of playing games much more realistic and immersive.

Evaluating the Efficacy of a Terrorism Question/Answer System

The TARA Project examined how a trio of modified chatterbots could be used to disseminate terrorism-related information to the general public.

An Architecture For a Next-Generation Holistic E-Recruiting System

Online recruiting has revolutionized the way businesses worldwide hire employees. The next step is to seamlessly integrate existing systems to create a comprehensive---and complex---corporate career center.

Collaborative Structuring: Organizing Document Repositories Effectively and Efficiently

Improving how documents are managed and data is storedand exchanged in systems.

Examining RFID Applications in Supply Chain Management

Technology infrastructure, business process, and managerial issues must be addressed by IT practitioners as they adapt to the business changes associated with the diffusion of RFID technology in the supply chain.

A Knowledge Architecture For IT Security

The major benefits of knowledge management, particularly as it pertains to security measures, makes it critical that organizations have a mechanism for defining and identifying knowledge needs.

A Roadmap For Comprehensive Online Privacy Policy Management

A framework supporting the privacy policy life cycle helps guide the kind of research to consider before sound privacy answers may be realized.

The Effects of Web-Based Technologies on Knowledge Transfer

Does using enhanced Web-based services increase problem-solving skills?
COLUMN: Technical opinion

Conferences Under Scrutiny

Considering some of the perceived vagaries of the conference peer-review process and proposing ways to improve evaluation procedures.

Top 10 Downloads from ACM's Digital Library

COLUMN: Inside risks

Disasters Evermore?