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Communications of the ACM


Ode to Code

Much have I travell'd in the realms of code,
And many goodly programs have I seen.
I've voyaged far to conferences umpteen,
Attending to the wisdom there bestowed.

Yet as I've moved along the winding road
Of my career (a journey not serene),
Only one source of knowledge has there been
Of worth enough to prompt of me an ode.

Communications has for 50 years,
Been there to help each of us on our way,
By giving us the writings of our peers,
And telling us the things they had to say.
So as the start of its sixth decade nears
Please join me wishing it "Happy Birthday."

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Stephen B. Jenkins ([email protected]) is the senior programmer/analyst at the Aerodynamics Laboratory of the Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada.

©2008 ACM  0001-0782/08/0100  $5.00

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