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Communications of the ACM

CACM online

A First Look at the Redesigned Site

Communications Web Editor David Roman

Here's a first look at the revised Communications Web site. The design is mostly complete, and development is in full swing. These images convey the site's energy and abundance, and suggest the site's goal of being the definitive source of computing news and information.

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Paths to Enlightenment

A few things deserve special mention. The site's tabular design will provide pathways to Communications' latest content, to archived issues, and to a daily stream of news and blogs. The site will also present articles from Communications and other ACM publications organized by topic. Though broad, the topics will give readers a shorter path to material that matches their interests. The site will also present career news and resources. Most of these features will be ready when the site launches early next year.

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Calling all Volunteers

As for the blogs, some will be syndicated, but one will be created specifically for the Communications site and will be managed by a group of volunteer bloggers. We are looking for bloggers to join this team. Each volunteer should be prepared to share the spotlight with other bloggers and to write several posts a week of interest to the CACM community. We're still working on the details, but volunteers will likely rotate their roles over time. Please email your suggestions to us at [email protected].

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And More...

The site will need other volunteers as well. Interested in beta testing the site? Or in moderating content? Get in touch. Like the bloggers, these volunteers will share different responsibilities over time. The plan—and hope—is to keep the work engaging. Get in touch at [email protected] if you'd like to help.

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