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Communications of the ACM

Call for nominations

Call For Nominations For Advanced Member Grades in the ACM

ACM has three distinct member grades to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members:

Senior Member recognizes those ACM members, with at least 10 years of professional experience, that have demonstrated performance and accomplishment that set them apart. The list of recipients is found on:

Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member recognizes those ACM members, with at least 15 years of professional experience that have made significant accomplishments or achieved a significant impact on the computing field. The list of recipients is found on:

Fellow is ACM's most prestigious member grade recognizing the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community. The list of recipients is found on:

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Senior Member

  • Five years continuous Professional membership in ACM
  • Ten years of professional experience
  • Demonstrated performance that sets the member apart from peers
  • Three endorsements from colleagues (not necessarily ACM members) in the field

Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member

  • Five years continuous Professional membership in ACM
  • Fifteen years of professional experience
  • Significant accomplishment in, or a significant impact on, the computing field
  • Four endorsements from colleagues in the field. Two of these endorsements must be from ACM Members. It is recommended, but not required, that at least two of these endorsements be from ACM Fellows. Ideally, one of the four endorsements will be from a current or past employer or client.


  • Five years continuous Professional membership in ACM
  • No specific requirement for years of professional experience
  • Outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community
  • Five to eight endorsements from current ACM Professional Members—ideally ACM Fellows.

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Nomination Procedures

All nominations for advanced ACM member grades must be made through the ACM Web site:

Senior Members are self-nominating (

Distinguished Engineers, Scientists, Members can be self-nominating or may be nominated by a current ACM Professional Member

Fellows must be nominated by an ACM Professional Member (

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  • In meeting the requirements for professional experience, educational experience is credited as follows:
  • 3 years if the candidate holds a baccalaureate degree
  • 4 years if the candidate holds a master's degree
  • 5 years if the candidate holds a doctorate
  • For all grades, candidates must have been an ACM Professional Member for at least five years immediately preceding the final date for submission of the respective nomination.
  • Although there is a natural progression implied within these three grade levels, this progression is not compulsory, i.e., if a candidate meets the requirements of the membership grade it is not necessary to advance from one grade level to the next.
  • Endorsers for Senior Member and Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, or Member must attest that:
    • They know the candidate and their work
    • The candidate has accurately described their achievements
    • The accomplishments outlined in the nomination meet the endorsers' best understanding of the criteria for Senior and Distinguished Member.

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    Senior Member nominations and endorsements must be received by May 31, 2008. Nominations are on a quarterly basis: May 31, 2008; Aug. 31, 2008; Nov. 30, 2008; Feb. 28, 2009.

    Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, Member nominations and endorsements must be received by July 31, 2008.

    Fellow nominations and endorsements must be received by Sept. 9, 2008.

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    ACM Senior Members and Distinguished Members will receive a certificate and a specially annotated ACM membership card. There will be an announcement on the ACM Web site and in Communications of the ACM listing the names of the Senior Members and Distinguished Members.

    ACM Fellows will receive a certificate, a specially annotated ACM membership card and an ACM Fellow lapel pin. Their names will be listed in an issue of Communications of the ACM and a letter of recognition will be sent to the chief executive at the Fellow's place of employment. Formal induction ceremonies and presentation of Fellow certificates and pins will take place at the next annual ACM Awards Banquet.

    Please send any questions you may have about the Senior Member, Distinguished Member or Fellows Programs to:

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