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Communications of the ACM

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  • Read something that's got you thinking? Set you reeling? Send a letter to the editor: [email protected].
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Still Everywhere

ACM's popular online publication, Ubiquity, remains as thought-provoking as ever under its new leadership. The preeminent Peter J. Denning has taken over as Ubiquity's editor, replacing John Gehl who served in that position for almost a decade. See what Denning, a longtime Communications columnist, former ACM president, and current chair of the Computer Science Department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, and his newly assembled editorial board have in store at

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Mobile Magazine

The Digital Edition of Communications is viewable on your iPhone or iPod Touch. So, too, are other ACM publications, including Queue, for forward-looking practitioners; interactions, for HCI (human-computer interaction) fans; netWorker, for networking technologists; and Crossroads, ACM's student publication. These and 84 other titles are available in Texterity Inc.'s electronic format that re-creates each page of a printed magazine. Find them at

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