Sally Ride Science, named for the former astronaut, holds dozens of street fairs each year.
"Women in computing: Where Are We Now?"an article by Maria Klawe and Nancy Leveson in the January 1995 issue of Communicationsaddressed women's representation at the time, as undergraduate and graduate students and in the work force, in computing fields. That article, part of the issue's special section on Women and Computing, described successful activities and offered recommendations for future programs.
In this article, 14 years later, we assess the changes that have since occurred, including both positive and negative trends; we present strategies shown to be successful for the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in computing; and we explore promising new initiatives for further increasing women's participation. While the 1995 article focused on the U.S. and Canada, as does the present one, we now also include data from other parts of the world.
Why should computing professionals be concerned about women and other groups underrepresented in our field? In large part, out of self-interest. Diversity often leads to enhanced abilities to perform tasks, greater creativity, and better decisions and outcomes.17 Sadly, bias and stereotypingoften unconscious, but nevertheless pervasivecontinue to affect the gender and ethnic composition of our talent pool and thus limit the possibilities of technological innovation around the world. Meanwhile, demand for computer scientists and computer engineers in the U.S. is expected to grow 37% between 2006 and 2016,4 despite the overall economy's present travails. Clearly, society requires the contributions of women as well as men to computing.
Around the world, women have made some progress in the field of computing over the past decade. Women now play a heightened role in technology leadership, and they have gained representation at many important points in organizational hierarchies.
The gains listed here, while encouraging, stop short of achieving equal representation and point to the fact that much work has yet to be done.
"My slogan is: Computing is too important to be left to men." Karen Sparck-Jones: Pioneer in Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing. 19352007
The proportion of undergraduate CS degrees received by women has declined sharplyfrom 37% in 1985 to 22% in 2005.25 In research-intensive CS departments that participate in the annual Taulbee Survey conducted by the Computing Research Association (CRA), the number dropped from 19% in 2001 to 11.8% in 20062007.6
Many initiatives are currently under way to counter such negative trends, and they have shown promise in helping to turn the tide. While it is not possible to review all such efforts in one article, we do highlight some encouraging programs at the K-12 level, in academia (undergraduate, graduate, and faculty levels), and in industry.
K-12: Appealing to Girls and Their Influencers. It is widely recognized that declining interest in technical disciplines among female students starts at a young age. Therefore early-intervention efforts are important to ensure future increases in representation.
Successful approaches at the K-12 level include:
Academia: Attracting and Retaining Students and Faculty. Over more than a decade, a host of initiatives has evolved to increase and sustain the participation of women, at all levels of academia, in computing. Many of these programs are projects of organizations specifically devoted to this purposefor example, ACM's Committee on Women in Computing (ACM-W),a the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI), the CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W), MentorNet, and the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). Readers are encouraged to visit the organizations' Web sites for more information.
Other such programs have been initiated by funding agencies. These initiatives include the Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) grants and the Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as Canada's NSERC-Industry Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering. (NSERC is the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.) Still other programs, such as Google's Anita Borg scholarships and Microsoft's New Faculty Fellowships, are supported by industry.
"Today's computing is not your father's computing. Interaction design, empirical studies of user experience, project management, understanding social impacts of technology, and much more are new faces of academic computing. Check them out." Bonnie A. Nardi: Professor, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine.
At the undergraduate level, three approaches have been the most successful:
Some of the successful approaches for attracting and retaining more female computer majors include:
"Illegitimi non carborundum, which is mock-Latin for 'don't let the bastards grind you down'. (See Wikipedia.) It's helped me a lot over the years!" Professor Dame Wendy Hall: ACM President; School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
Much has been written about ways to enroll more women in CS programs at the graduate level and retain them. Basic approaches to enhancing enrollment include the funding of visits by accepted students to the department, recruitment visits by female graduate students to their undergraduate institutions, and departmental delegations to conferences, such as Hopper, attended by many women undergraduate and graduate students majoring in computing fields. But in our view, three kinds of experiences make undergraduate females most likely to commence graduate work in CS: encouragement by a faculty member; research experience as an undergraduate; and sustained interaction with graduate students.
In the U.S., many universities and colleges offer Research Experiences for Undergraduate programs (REUs, often funded by NSF) during the summer. For over a decade, CRA-W has run its Distributed Mentor Program (DMP), which matches female undergraduates with female faculty members (usually at a different institution) for the purpose of doing research together, and the program provides funding for the effort. A research study by Harrod12 demonstrated that students participating in DMP were significantly more likely to enter a graduate program later on. Similarly, many programs connect female undergraduates with counterparts in graduate school. Over the past few years, the Women in Computing Society program at Carnegie Mellon has sent groups of female graduate students to several academic institutions in order to talk to female undergraduates about graduate school. MentorNet provides email mentoring for undergraduates by graduate students, faculty, and computing professionals; and many departmental mentoring programs pair undergraduates with graduate students or conduct tri-mentoring programs that group an undergraduate, a graduate student, and a computing professional.
Retention initiatives fall into two groups: those conducted within the institution, usually at the departmental or school (faculty, college) level; and regional, national, or international programs that bring together women graduate students from more than one institution. Most of the within-institution initiatives are designed to build a sense of community among the students and provide mentoring, especially at critical retention points in the graduate programs. An example of the second group of initiatives is CRA-W's long history of offering graduate-student programsbeginning with academic career workshops at computing conferences and more recently at the annual Grad Cohort symposiathat bring together hundreds of women graduate students from across the U.S.
At the faculty level, the primary goals are to recruit more women faculty and ensure that they ultimately achieve tenure and promotion.
Significant efforts has been made over the last decade, supported by ADVANCE and other NSF grants, to establish best practices that achieve more diversitythat is, the recruitment of more women and underrepresented minoritiesin science and engineering faculties.26 Here we cite a few of these efforts' key characteristics:
"Though female leaders have the same technical challenges and are expected to produce the same kind of results as male leaders, there is often a cultural context that influences their approach and a different interpretation of their performance that ups the ante." Francine Berman: Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center; High Performance Computing Endowed Chair, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego.
For the last 15 years, CRA-W, through its Cohort of Associate Professors Project, has maintained programs to help young women CS faculty progress successfully; and it has also conducted workshops for older female faculty further along in their careers. Significant support/programs are also offered through the NSERC-Industry WISE chairs, ADVANCE grants, and more recently the ABI TechLeaders workshops for senior academic women.
"If we want young girls to choose to learn how to program computers, we need to deeply understand the kinds of programs girls will be motivated to create and design programming environments that make those programs readily achievable." Caitlin Kelleher: Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering; As A Ph.D. Student Working with Randy Pausch, Created "Storytelling Alice" to Inspire Middle School Girls to Learn Programming.
For beginning untenured faculty, important actions by the department include:
Key actions to take before the tenure decision:
After a faculty member receives tenure, continue mentoring and provide annual feedback to ensure that she stays on track for promotion to full professor. Encourage her to assume leadership roles in the department, institution, or professional community.
"The best advice I've ever heard about how women should compete in the workplace was spoken by Betty Snyder Holberton, the first of my three favorite work partners: 'Look like a girl. Act like a lady. Think like a man. Work like a dog.'" Jean Bartik: Programmer for The Groundbreaking Eniac Computer.
Industry: Cultivating Its Most Critical Assets. Some of the successful approaches that companies may use for recruiting, retaining, and advancing more women in computing, as well as in other technical professions, include:
"Seek inspiration from mentorsfamily, friends, teachers, and/or prominent peopleto create careers combining your education, talents, interests, and dreams." Maxine D. Brown: Associate Director, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago; Co-Authored The 1987 NSF Report, Visualization In Scientific Computing, Which Defined The Field of Scientific Visualization.
Consider the exemplary efforts of IBM. Over the past 15 years, the company has effected dramatic and systemic cultural changes, resulting in a 370% increase in its women executives and a 233% increase in ethnic minority executives (as of 2004).30 These changes occurred in four main ways: demonstrating leadership support, engaging employees as partners, integrating diversity goals with management practices, and linking diversity goals to business goals.
When Lou Gerstner assumed control of the company in 1993, he deliberately set out to change IBM's culture by uncovering, and endeavoring to understand, differences between underrepresented population groups (including women and minorities). The first step was to establish task forces, composed of executives and employees alike, for each group. Once group needs were better understood, management implemented practices to establish and sustain diversityin creating pools of high-potential candidates for recruitment or of outstanding employees for advancement, women and minorities had to be well represented. These changes, though company-wide, were particularly focused on IBM's technical workforce, which it considered to be one of its most critical assets.
"The theoretical and practical knowledge embodied in CS is interesting as standalone study. But the real opportunity lies in equipping oneself to partner with scientists or business experts, to learn what they know and, together, to change how research or business is conducted." Adele Goldberg: Former Research Laboratory Manager, Xerox Parc; Founding Chairman and CEO, Parcplace Systems; General Partner, Pharma Capital Partners.
From the beginning, IBM's diversity efforts were driven by the desire not only to do the right thing but also to broaden its customer base. Gerstner created plans to embrace group differences in order to appeal to broader sets both of employees and customers. As a result, the company extended its reach into women-owned businesses, for example, as well as into new market segments.
Improving women's representation in computing must also entail more enlightened governmental institutions and policies. The following agency practices have been shown to be particularly effective:
Every computing professional, male and female alike, can contribute to the increased participation of women in the field. At the very least, each of us should do more to encourage women with whom we daily interact. For those readers not well informed about practices and programs that help attract women to our profession and retain them, we hope this article has provided useful information and indicated actionable steps pertinent to one's particular circumstances. By way of encouragement, know that institutions that have already made decisions to implement these kinds of practices are seeing significant increases in the participation of women in computing at all levels. Thus we encourage our colleagues to work to effect positive change, both locallyin individual institutionsand globally. Long-term success depends on our entire community taking responsibility for making computing a broadly supportive and inclusive discipline.
1. American Council on Education. Office of Women in Higher Education (2008);
2. Badagliacco, J. Gender and race differences in computing attitudes and experiences. Social Science Computer Review 8 (1990), 4263.
3. Blum, T.C., Fields, D.L., and Goodman, J.S. Organization-level determinants of women in management. Academy of Management Journal 37, 2 (1994), 241266.
4. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2008-09 Edition;
5. Computer Science Teachers Association. CSTA National Secondary Computer Science Survey: Comparison of 2005 and 2007 Survey Results (2007);
6. Computing Research Association. Taulbee Survey Report 20062007 (2008).
7. Coyle, E.J., Jamison, L.H., and Oakes, W.C. Integrating engineering education and community service: Themes for the future of engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education (2006), 711.
8. Dickinson, K. Five years of mentoring by the numbers: SEED mentoring program. Presentation at the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women and Computing;
9. Dodds, Z., Libeskind-Hadas, R., Alvarado, C., and Kuenning, G. Evaluating breadth-first CS1 for scientists. In Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2008); Sedgewick, R. and Wayne, K. Introduction to Programming in Java: A textbook for a first course in computer science for the next generation of scientists and engineers, 2004;
10. Eagly, A. and Carau, S.J. Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review 109, 3 (2002), 573598.
11. Government Accountability Office. Gender Issues: Women's Participation in the Science Has Increased but Agencies Need to Do More to Ensure Compliance with Title IX, United States Government Accountability Office Report to Congressional Requesters (Report 04-639), July 2004.
12. Harrod, M.J. Distributed mentor project: Evaluation of impact and experiences of participants. Computing Research News (Sept. 2000);
13. Humphreys, S. and Spertus, E. Leveraging an alternative source of computer scientists: Reentry programs. Commun, ACM 34, 2 (Feb. 2002): 5356; Klawe, M., Cavers, I., Popowich, F., and Chen, G. A computer science post-baccalaureate diploma program that appeals to women. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Women, Work, and Computerization (2000).
14. Igbaria, M. and Chidambaram, L. Examination of gender effects on intention to stay among information systems employees. SIGCPR (Nashville, TN, 1995).
15. Kanter, R.M. Men and Women of the Corporation. Basic Books, NY, 1993.
16. Kekelis, L.S., Ancheta, R.W., and Heber, E. Hurdles in the pipeline: Girls and technology careers. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 26, 1 (2005).
17. Mannix, E.A. and Neale, E.A. What difference makes a difference? Psychological Science in the Public Interest 6, 2 (2005), 3132.
18. Margolis, J., and Fisher, A. Unlocking the Clubhouse. MIT Press, 2002.
19. McDowell, C., Werner, L., Bullock, H.E., and Fernald, J. Pair programming improves student retention, confidence, and program quality. Commun, ACM 49, 8 (Aug. 2006), 9095.
20. Morrell, C., Cotten, S., Sparks, A., and Spurgas, A. Computer Mania Day: An effective intervention for increasing youth's interest in technology. Report to the Maryland Commission for Women, 2004.
21. National Center for Women & Information Technology. NCWIT Scorecard 2007: A Report on the Status of Women in Information Technology (2007);; Alliance for Board Diversity. Women and Minorities on Fortune 100 Boards (2008).
22. National Center for Women & Information Technology. Who Invents IT? An Analysis of Women's Participation in Information Technology Patenting, 2007.
23. National Science Board. Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 (NSB 08-01), Arlington, VA;
24. National Science Foundation. Broadening Participation in America's Science and Engineering Workforce: The 19942003 Decennial & 2004 Biennial Reports to Congress, Arlington, VA, Dec. 2004.
25. National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (NSF 07-315). Arlington, VA, Feb. 2007;
26. Proceedings of a Banff International Research Station Workshop, Mentoring for Engineering Academia II. (2007);
27. Rich, L., Perry, H., and Guzdial, M. A CS1 course designed to address interests of women. In Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium of Computer Science Education (2004);; Shmishek, E. Where the girls aren't. UBC Reports, 2003;
28. Shiebinger, L., Henderson, A., and Gilmartin, S.K. Dual-Career Academic Couples: What Universities Need to Know. Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University, 2008.
29. Tillberg, H.K. and McGrath Cohoon, J. Attracting women to the CS major. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 26,1 (2005), 126140.
30. Thomas, D.A. Diversity as strategy. Harvard Business Review (Sept. 2004).
31. Touchton, J.G., and Ingram, D. Women Presidents in US Colleges and Universities, A 1995 Higher Education Update. American Council on Education, Washington, DC, 1995.
32. Turner, S., Bernt, P., and Pecora, N. Why women choose information technology careers: Educational, social and familial influences. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED456878), Apr. 2002.
33. Valian, V. Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women. MIT Press, 1999.
34. West, M.S., and Curtis, J.W. AAUP Faculty Gender Equity Indicators. American Association of University Professors, 2006.
a. For more information on ACM's efforts to raise the profile and status of women in computing, see
Figure. This "Wordle" was created by, a site by Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg as part of IBM's Collaborative User Experience research group.
Figure. Sally Ride Science, named for the former astronaut, holds dozens of street fairs each year.
Figure. Composite screenshot from Storytelling Alice.
Figure. A session called "Using Robots to Introduce Computer Programming to Middle Schools" at Grace Hopper Conference in Keystone, CO, on October 2, 2008.
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I often read about how women are underrepresented in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.(STEM) I have always wondered exactly what "underrepresented" means. I now see that this is a function of population, given that "the gains listed here, while encouraging, stop short of achieving equal representation and point to the fact that much work has yet to be done." Ideally, there would be an equal number of men and women in the field.
Based on this same reasoning, I fear that the Amish are woefully underrepresented, as a minority, in the field of computing. Yet to achieve equity in this demographic would require a certain cultural destructiveness - an intrusion into the lives of people who don't wish to participate in the first place.
Equal participation between men an women in the field of computing is based on unexamined premises. It assumes a general equality in psychological, mental, cultural, biological, and lifestyle aspects of both men and women. It is a sort of egalitarianism that seeks to erase distinctions in order to serve an agenda.
In fact, the APA recently published a press release about a study that examined the participation of women in technical fields. The press release contains the following text:
"Even though institutional barriers and discrimination exist, these influences still cannot explain why women are not entering or staying in STEM careers... The evidence did not show that removal of these barriers would equalize the sexes in these fields, especially given that women's career preferences and lifestyle choices tilt them towards other careers..." (APA Press Release, March 3, 2009. <a href=""></a>)
While it is important to eliminate all unfairness to women who demonstrate interest in pursuing technical careers, it may be that pushing the ideal of "equal" representation is akin to forcing computer jobs onto the Amish. What valuable attributes are being pushed out in order to equalize the sexes? Such an approach is actually detrimental to the notion of diversity. Normalizing people rather detracts from the qualities that make them distinct from each other.
In mathematics, the inequality of values is what makes them diverse and gives them their unique and important features. Equations can only evaluate truthfully when the variables have the right value, regardless of how great or small.
Men and women are not the same. The numeric value "two" is not the same as the value "seven." In math, we do not hesitate to call two things that are not the same unequal. In politics and activism, however, it just isn't done. We must all be different yet equal. Thomas Hobbes once called that kind of logic "absurd."
We have a cultural confusion about what equality means when applied to people. We ought to examine the premise of equality before advocating beyond fairness.
I think this is a great article and a subject that needs to be addressed immediately. As a student, I have witnessed many women dropping out of the CS or CIS courses, due to feeeling "lost" or the courses being to demanding or too difficult to understand. I do not believe that the subject matter is beyond women, but the subject matter is not taught adequately. Many courses require a natural programming ability. The logic involved in computer programming can be difficult to grasp at first and there is tendency for professors to assume students will eventually just "get it." I also believe colleges and universities must do their part to retain women and minorities and this includes finding out why women and minorities drop out of computer science programs. We have to remove the elitism in computer science programs. Computer science is not just for the young and technically gifted and we have to do our part to encourage women and minorities to take computer science and computer information coursework. It is hard and demanding at times, but the rewards one receives in sticking with the program are great.
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