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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

JACM at the Start of a New Decade

It has been almost a year since I assumed the editor-in-chief role for Journal of the ACM (JACM). It seems the right time to share some thoughts on how ACM's oldest publication is doing and where it might be headed.

In the Virtual Extension

Communications' Virtual Extension brings more quality articles to ACM members. These articles are now available in the ACM Digital Library.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

CS Expertise For Institutional Review Boards

IRBs need computer scientists, a point highlighted by the Viewpoint "Institutional Review Boards and Your Research" by Simson L. Garfinkel and Lorrie Faith Cranor (June 2010) …

The War Against Spam; and More

Greg Linden asks if spammers have been defeated; Michael Bernstein discusses Clay Shirky's keynote speech at CSCW 2010; and Erika S. Poole writes about how the digital world can help parents cope with the death of a child.

Print Is Not Just Ink Anymore

The world of Communications is not contained in the pages of a monthly magazine. Like other publications, it has expanded over time into a variety of electronic formats for …

Mechanism Design Meets Computer Science

A field emerging from economics is teaming up with computer science to improve auctions, supply chains, and communication protocols.

Looking Beyond Stereoscopic 3D's Revival

Researchers working in vision and graphics are attempting to develop new techniques and technologies to overcome the current limitations in stereoscopic 3D.

Making Sense of Real-Time Behavior

Data captured by sensors worn on the human body and analyzed in near real-time could transform our understanding of human behavior, health, and society.

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Gödel Prize and Other CS Awards

Sanjeev Arora, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, and other researchers are recognized for their contributions to computer science.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Is the Internet a Maturing Market?

Two concerns dominate the current debates over U.S. Internet policy: the relatively low level of U.S. broadband adoption; and the debate over network neutrality. Interestingly …
COLUMN: Education

Preparing Computer Science Students For the Robotics Revolution

Robotics will inspire dramatic changes in the CS curriculum.
COLUMN: Emerging markets

Has China Caught Up in IT?

An assessment of the relative achievements in IT infrastructure, firms, and innovation in China.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Presenting Your Project

The what, the how, and the why of giving an effective presentation.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

Remembrances of Things Pest

Recalling malware milestones.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Rights For Autonomous Artificial Agents?

The growing role of artificial agents necessitates modifying legal frameworks to better address human interests.
COLUMN: Interview

An Interview With Edsger W. Dijkstra

The computer science luminary, in one of his last interviews before his death in 2002, reflects on a programmer's life.
SECTION: Practice

Software Development with Code Maps

Could ubiquitous hand-drawn code map diagrams become a thing of the past?

Moving to the Edge: A CTO Roundtable on Network Virtualization

Leading experts debate how virtualization and clouds impact network service architectures.

Seven Principles For Selecting Software Packages

Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the decision-making process.
SECTION: Contributed articles

The Singularity System

Safe, modern programming languages let Microsoft rethink the architectural trade-offs in its experimental operating system.

Predicting the Popularity of Online Content

Early patterns of Digg diggs and YouTube views reflect long-term user interest.
SECTION: Review articles

Memory Models: A Case For Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware

Solving the memory model problem will require an ambitious and cross-disciplinary research direction.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Persepctive: Attacks Target Web Server Logic and Prey on XCS Weaknesses

A system is secure only if the entire system is secure. While this may sound obvious, achieving total security throughout a system is rarely trivial when you consider many real-world systems are constantly evolving.

The Emergence of Cross Channel Scripting

Lightweight, embedded Web servers are soon about to outnumber regular Internet Web servers. We reveal a series of attacks that target Web server logic and are based on a new …

Technical Persepctive: Large-Scale Sound and Precise Program Analysis

You are given a program. Will it crash? Is it subject to a spoofing, buffer overflow, or injection attack? Is this part of it dead code? Can I replace that code fragment with …

Reasoning About the Unknown in Static Analysis

Static program analysis techniques cannot know certain values, such as the value of user input or network state, at analysis time. While such unknown values need to be treated …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Figures on a Plane

Welcome to three new puzzles. Solutions to the first two will be published next month; the third is (as yet) unsolved. In each, the issue is how your intuition matches up with the mathematics.
SECTION: Virtual extension

Intelligent Service Machine

The service sector is becoming increasingly important to the economies of many countries, especially developed countries. OECD recently released a report noting that government policy in developed countries has not been attuned …

How a Service-Oriented Architecture May Change the Software Development Process

Software development practices have evolved substantially during the past decade. As so called "agile" approaches have gained more acceptance, the service-oriented approach to IT architecture has become an important alternative …

thinkflickrthink: A Case Study on Strategic Tagging

The growth both in quantity and diversity of online communities across the World Wide Web, along with a number of new technologies that enhance both social interaction and content management, have bred an array of increasingly …

Plat_Forms: Is There One Best Web Development Technology?

Software developers during their work face a multitude of options. There are methodological choices and technological choices. While solid research is available on some methodological topics, there is hardly any high-quality …