Credit: Gary Neill
Despite the best efforts of software engineers to produce high-quality software, inevitably some bugs escape even the most rigorous testing process and are first encountered by end users. When this happens, such failures must be understood quickly, the underlying bugs fixed, and deployments patched to avoid another user (or the same one) running into the same problem again. As far back as 1951, the dawn of modern computing, Stanley Gill6 wrote that "some attention has, therefore, been given to the problem of dealing with mistakes after the program has been tried and found to fail." Gill went on to describe the first use of "the post-mortem technique" in software, whereby the running program was modified to record important system state as it ran so that the programmer could later understand what happened and why the software failed.
Since then, postmortem debugging technology has been developed and used in many different systems, including all major consumer and enterprise operating systems, as well as the native execution environments on those systems. These environments make up much of today's core infrastructure, from the operating systems that underlie every application to core services such as Domain Name System (DNS), and thus form the building blocks of nearly all larger systems. To achieve the high levels of reliability expected from such software, these systems are designed to restore service quickly after each failure while preserving enough information that the failure itself can later be completely understood.
While such software was historically written in C and other native environments, core infrastructure is increasingly being developed in dynamic languages, from Java over the past two decades to server-side JavaScript over the past 18 months. Dynamic languages are attractive for many reasons, not least of which is that they often accelerate the development of complex software.
Conspicuously absent from many of these environments, however, are facilities for even basic postmortem debugging, which makes understanding production failures extremely difficult. Dynamic languages must bridge this gap and provide rich tools for understanding failures in deployed systems in order to match the reliability demanded from their growing role in the bedrock of software systems.
To understand the real potential for sophisticated postmortem analysis tools, we first review the state of debugging today and the role of postmortem analysis tools in other environments. We then examine the unique challenges around building such tools for dynamic environments and the state of such tools today.
To understand the unique value of postmortem debugging, it is worth examining the alternative. Both native and dynamic environments today provide facilities for in situ debugging, or debugging faulty programs while they're still running. This typically involves attaching a separate debugger program to the faulty program and then directing execution of the faulty program interactively, instruction by instruction or using breakpoints. The user thus stops the program at various points to inspect program state in order to figure out where it goes wrong. Often this process is repeated to test successive theories about the problem.
This technique can be very effective for bugs that are readily reproducible, but it has several drawbacks. First, the act of stopping a program often changes its behavior. Bugs resulting from unexpected interactions between parallel operations (such as race conditions) can be especially challenging to analyze this way because the timing of various events is significantly affected by the debugger itself. More importantly, in situ debugging is often untenable on production systems: many debuggers rely on an unoptimized debug build that's too slow to run in production; engineers often do not have access to the systems where the program is running (as in the case of most mobile and desktop applications and many enterprise systems); and the requisite debugging tools are often not available on those systems anyway.
Even for cases where engineers can access the buggy software with the tools they need, pausing the program in the debugger usually represents an unacceptable disruption of production service and an unacceptable risk that a fat-fingered debugger command might cause the program to crash. Administrators often cannot take the risk of downtime in order to understand a failure that caused a previous outage. More importantly, they should not have to. Even in 1951 Gill cited the "extravagant waste of machine time involved" in concluding that "single-[step] operation is a useful facility for the maintenance engineer, but the programmer can only regard it as a last resort."
The most crippling problem with in situ debugging is it can only be used to understand reproducible problems. Many production issues are either very rare or involve complex interactions of many systems, which are often very difficult to replicate in a development environment. The rarity of such issues does not make them unimportant: quite the contrary, an operating system crash that happens only once a week can be extremely costly in terms of downtime, but any bug that can be made to occur only once a week is very difficult to debug live. Similarly, a fatal error that occurs once a week in an application used by thousands of people may result in many users hitting the bug each day, but engineers cannot attach a debugger on every user's system.
So-called printf
debugging is a common technique for dealing with the reproducibility issue. In this approach, engineers modify the software to log bits of relevant program state at key points in the code. This causes data to be collected without human intervention so it can be examined after a problem occurs to understand what happened. By automating the data collection, this technique usually results in significantly less impact to production service because when the program crashes, the system can immediately restart it without waiting for an engineer to log in and debug the problem interactively.
Extracting enough information about fatal failures from a log file is often very difficult, however, and frequently it is necessary to run through several iterations of inserting additional logging, deploying the modified program, and examining the output. This, too, is untenable for production systems since ad hoc code changes are often impractical (in the case of desktop and mobile applications) or prohibited by change control policies (and common sense).
The solution is to build a facility that captures all program state when the program crashes. In 1980 Douglas R. McGregor and Jon R. Malone9 of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow observed that with this approach "there is virtually no runtime overhead in either space or speed" and "no extra trace routines are necessary," but the facility "remains effective when a program has passed into production use." Most importantly, after the system saves all the program state, it can restart the program immediately to restore service quickly. With such systems in place, even rare bugs can often be root-caused and fixed based on the first occurrence, whether in development, test, or production. This enables software vendors to fix bugs before too many users encounter them.
To summarize, in order to root-cause failures that occur anywhere from development to production, a postmortem debugging facility must satisfy several constraints:
To understand the potential value of postmortem debugging in dynamic languages, it is also helpful to examine those areas where postmortem analysis techniques are well developed and widely used. The best examples are operating systems and their native execution environments. Historically this software has comprised core infrastructure; failures at this level of the stack are often very costly either because the systems themselves are necessary for business-critical functions (as in the case of operating systems on which business-critical software is running) or because they are relied upon by business-critical systems upstack (as in the case of infrastructure services such as DNS).
Most modern operating systems can be configured so that when they crash, they immediately save a "crash dump" of all of their state and then reboot. Likewise, these systems can be configured so that when a user application crashes, the operating system saves a "core dump" of all program state to a file and then restarts the application. In most cases, these mechanisms allow the operating system or user application to return to service quickly while preserving enough information to root-cause the failure later.
As an example, let's look at core dumps under Illumos, an open source Solaris-based system. Take the following broken program:
This simple program has a fatal flaw: while trying to clear each item in the ptrs array at lines 1415, it clears an extra element before the array (where ii = −1
). When running this program, you see:
and the system generates a file called core
. The Illumos modular debugger (MDB) shown in Figure 1 can help in examining this file.
MDB's syntax may seem arcane to new users, but this example is rather basic. First the ::status
command produces a summary of what happened: the process was terminated as a result of a segmentation fault attempting to access memory address 0x10. Next the ::walk thread
| ::find-stack -v
command is used to examine thread stacks (in this case, just one), and it shows that the program died in function func
at offset 0x20 in the program text. Then the file dumps out this instruction to see that the process died on the store of 0 into the address contained in register %eax.
While this example is admittedly contrived, it illustrates the basic method of postmortem debugging. Note that unlike in situ debugging, this method scales well with the complexity of the program being debugged. If instead of one thread in one process there were thousands of threads across dozens of components (as in the case of an operating system), a comprehensive dump would include information about all of them. The next challenge would be making sense of so much information, but root-causing the bug is at least tractable because all the information is available.
In such situations, the next step is to build custom tools for extracting, analyzing, and summarizing specific component state. A comprehensive postmortem facility enables engineers to build such tools. For example, gdb supports user-defined macros. These macros can be distributed with the source code so that all developers can use them both in situ (by attaching gdb to a running process) and postmortem (by opening a core file with gdb). The Python interpreter, for example, provides such macros, allowing both interpreter and native module developers to pick apart the C representations of Python-level objects.
MDB takes this idea to the next level: it was designed specifically around building custom tools for understanding specific components of the system both in situ and postmortem. On Illumos systems, the kernel ships with MDB modules that provide more than 1,000 commands to iterate and inspect various components of the kernel. Among the most frequently used is the ::stacks
command, which iterates all kernel threads, optionally filters them based on the presence of a particular kernel module or function in the stack trace, and then dumps out a list of unique thread stacks sorted by frequency. Figure 2 offers an example from a system doing some light I/O.
This invocation collapsed the complexity of more than 600 threads on this system to only about seven unique thread stacks that are related to the ZFS file system. You can quickly see the state of the threads in each group (e.g., sleeping on a condition variable) and examine a representative thread for more information. Dozens of other operating-system components deliver their own MDB commands for inspecting specific component state, including the networking stack, the NFS server, DTrace, and ZFS.
Some of these higher-level analysis tools are quite sophisticated. For example, the ::typegraph
command3 analyzes an entire production crash dump (without debug data) and constructs a graph of object references and their types. With this graph, users can query the type of an arbitrary memory object. This is useful for understanding memory corruption issues, where the main problem is identifying which component overwrote a particular block of memory. Knowing the type of the corrupting object narrows the investigation from the entire kernel to the component responsible for that type.
Such tools are by no means limited to production environments. On most systems, it is possible to generate a core dump from running processes too, which make core-dump analysis attractive during development as well. When testers or other engineers file bugs on application crashes, it is often easier to have them include a core dump than to try to guess what steps they took that led to the crash and then reproduce the problem from those steps. Examining the core dump is also the only way to be sure the problem you found is the same one the bug reporter encountered.
Higher-level dump analysis tools can be built explicitly for development as well. Libumem, a drop-in replacement for malloc(3c)
and friends, provides (among other features) an MDB module for iterating and inspecting objects related to the allocator. Combined with an optional feature to record stack traces for each allocator operation, the ::findleaks
MDB command can be used to identify various types of memory leaks very quickly without having added any explicit support for this in the application itself. The ::findleaks
command literally prints out a list of leaked objects and the stack trace from which each one was allocatedpointing directly to the location of each leak. Libumem is based on the kernel memory allocator, which provides many of the same facilities for the kernel.2
While operating-system and native environments have highly developed facilities for handling crashes, saving dumps, and analyzing them postmortem, the problem of postmortem analysis (and software observability more generally) is far from solved in the realm of dynamic environments such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. In the past postmortem analysis was arguably less critical for these languages because crashes in these environments are less significant: most end-user applications save work frequently anyway, and the operating system or browser will often restart the application after a crash. These crashes still represent disruptions to the user experience, however, and postmortem debugging is the only hope of understanding such failures.
More importantly, dynamic languages such as Node.js are exploding in popularity as building blocks for larger distributed systems, where what might seem like a minor crash can cause cascading failures up the stack. As a result, just as with operating systems and core services, fully understanding each failure is essential to achieving the levels of reliability expected of such foundational software.
Providing a postmortem facility for dynamic environments, however, is not easy. While native programs can leverage operating-system support for core dumps, dynamic languages must present postmortem state using the same higher-level abstractions with which their developers are familiar. A postmortem environment for C programs can simply present a list of global symbols, pointers to thread stacks, and all of a process's virtual memory (all of which the operating system has to maintain anyway), but a similar facility for Java must augment (or replace) these with analogous Java abstractions. When Java programs crash, Java developers want to look at Java thread stacks, local variables, and objects, not (necessarily) the threads, variables, and raw memory used by the Java virtual machine (JVM) implementation. Also, because programs in dynamic languages run inside an interpreter or VM, when the user program "crashes," the interpreter or VM itself does not crash. For example, when a Python program uses an undefined variable (the C equivalent of a NULL pointer), the interpreter detects this condition and gracefully exits. Therefore, to support postmortem debugging, the interpreter would need to trigger the core-dump facility explicitly, not rely on the operating system to detect the crash.
In some cases, presenting useful postmortem state requires formalizing abstractions that do not exist explicitly in the language at all. JavaScript presents a particularly interesting challenge in this regard. In addition to the usual global state and stack details, JavaScript maintains a pending event queue, as well as a collection of events that may happen laterboth of which exist only as functions with associated context that will be invoked at some later time by the runtime. For example, a Web browser might have many outstanding asynchronous HTTP requests. For each one, there is a function with associated context that may not be reachable from the global scope, and so would not be included in a simple dump of all global state and thread state. Nevertheless, understanding which of these requests are outstanding and what state is associated with them may very well be critical to understanding a fatal failure.
The most crippling problem with in situ debugging is it can only be used to understand reproducible problems.
This problem is even more acute with Node.js on the server, which is frequently used to manage thousands of concurrent connections to many different types of components. A single Node program might have hundreds of outstanding HTTP requests, each one waiting on a database query to complete. The program may crash while processing one of the database query results because it encountered an invalid database state resulting from one of the other outstanding queries. Such problems beg for postmortem debugging because each instance is seen relatively rarely; they are essentially impossible to understand from just a stack trace, but they can often be identified from the first occurrence, given enough information from the time of the crash. The challenge is presenting information about outstanding asynchronous events (that is, callbacks that will be invoked at some future time) in a meaningful way to JavaScript developers, who generally do not have direct access to the event queue or the collection of outstanding events; these abstractions are implicit in the underlying APIs, so exposing this requires first figuring out how to express these abstractions.
Finally, user-facing applications have the additional problem of transferring postmortem state from the user's computer to developers who can root-cause the bug (while preserving user privacy). As Eric Schrock11 details, this problem remains largely unsolved for one of the most significant dynamic environments today: the JavaScript Web application. There is no browser-based facility for automatically uploading postmortem program state back to the server.
Despite these difficulties, some dynamic environments do provide postmortem facilities. For example, the Oracle Java HotSpot VM supports extracting Java-level state from JVM native core dumps. When the JVM crashes, or when a core file is manually created using operating system tools such as gcore(1), you can use the jdb(1) tool to examine the state of the Java program (rather than the JVM itself) when the core file was generated. The core file can also be processed by a tool called jmap(1) to create a Java heap dump that can in turn be analyzed using several different programs.
Such facilities are only a start, however: setting up an application to trigger a core dump on crash in the first place is nontrivial. Additionally, these facilities are very specific to the HotSpot VM. There's an active Java Community Specification proposal for a common API to access debugging information, but at the time of this writing this project is stalled pending clarity about Oracle's commitment to the project.8
While the Java facility has several important limitations, many other dynamic environments do not appear to have postmortem facilities at allat least not any that meet the constraints just described.
Python10 and Ruby4 each has a facility called a postmortem debugger, but these refer to starting a program under a debugger and having the program break into an interactive debugger session when the program crashes. This is not suitable for production for several reasons, not least of which is that it is not fully automatic. As described earlier, it is not tenable to interrupt production service while an engineer logs in to diagnose a problem interactively.
Erlang5 provides a rich crash-dump facility for the Erlang runtime itself. It works much like a native crash dump in that on failure it saves a comprehensive state dump to a file and then exits, allowing the operating system to see the program has exited and restart it immediately. The crash dump file can then be analyzed later.
The bash shell1 is interesting because its deployment model is so different even from other dynamic environments. Bash provides a mechanism called xtrace
for producing a comprehensive trace file describing nearly every expression that the shell evaluates as part of execution. This is very useful for understanding shell script failures but can produce a lot of output even for simple scripts. The output grows unbounded as the program runs, which would normally make it untenable for production use in servers or applications, but since most bash scripts have very finite lifetimes, this mechanism is an effective postmortem facility as long as the output can be reasonably stored and managed (that is, automatically deleted after successful runs).
There is no browser-based facility for automatically uploading postmortem program state back to the server.
JavaScript, unlike many of the above languages, is widely deployed under several completely different runtime environments such as Mozilla's SpiderMonkey, Google's V8 (used in both Chrome and Node.js) and the WebKit JavaScript engine. Although JavaScript in situ debugging facilities have improved substantially in recent years in the form of improved browser support for runtime program inspection, there remains no widely used postmortem facility for JavaScript.
Despite the lack of JavaScript language support, we have developed a crude but effective postmortem debugging facility for use in Joyent's Node.js production deployments. Recall that Node typically runs on a server rather than a Web browser and is commonly used to implement services that scale to hundreds or thousands of network connections. We use the following primitives provided by Node and the underlying V8 virtual machine to construct a simple implementation:
event, which allows a program to register a function to be invoked when the program throws an exception that bubbles all the way to the top level (that would normally cause the program to crash).(JSON.strin-gify()
and JSON.parse())
.The first challenge is actually identifying which state to dump. JavaScript provides a way to introspect global state, but Node.js programs that declare variables do not use global state per se. What looks like the top-level scope is actually contained inside a function scope, and function scopes cannot be introspected. To work around this, programs using our postmortem facility must explicitly register debugging state ahead of time. While this solution is deeply unsatisfying because it is always difficult to know ahead of time what information would be useful to have when debugging, it has proved effective in practice because each of our programs essentially just instantiates a singleton object representing the program itself and then registers that with the post-mortem facility. Most relevant program state is referenced by this pseudo-global object in one way or another.
The next challenge is serializing circular objects. JSON.stringify()
does not support this for obvious reasons, so our implementation avoids this issue by pruning all circular references before serializing the debug object. While this makes it harder to find information in the dump, we know that at least one copy of every object will be present somewhere in the dump.
Given all this, the implementation is straightforward: on the uncaughtException event, we prune circular references from the debug state, serialize it using the built-in JSON.stringify()
routine, and save the result to disk in a file called core. To analyze the core file, we use a tool that reads core using JSON.parse()
and presents the serialized state for engineers to examine. The implementation is open source and available on GitHub.7
In addition to the implementation challenges just described, this approach has several significant limitations. First, it can save only state that programmers can register ahead of time, but as already discussed, there is a great deal of other important state inside a JavaScript program such as function arguments in the call stack and the contexts associated with pending and future events, none of which is reachable from the global scope.
Second, since the entire point of this system is to capture program state in the event of a crash, it must be highly reliable. This implementation is robust to most runtime failures, but it still requires additional memory first to execute the dump code and to serialize the program state. The additional memory could easily be as large as the whole heap, which makes it untenable for failures resulting from memory pressurea common cause of failures in dynamic environments.
Third, because the implementation removes circular references before serializing the program data, the resulting dump is more difficult to browse, and the facility cannot support dumps that are not intended for postmortem analysis (such as live dumps).
Despite these deficiencies, this implementation has proved quite effective because it meets the requirements set forth earlier: it is always-on in production, fully automatic, the result is transferable to other systems for analysis, and it is comprehensive enough to solve complex problems. To address many of the scope, robustness, and richness problems described here, however, and to provide such a facility for all users of a language, the postmortem facility must be incorporated into the VM itself. Such an implementation would work similarly in principle, but it could include absolutely all program state, be made to work reliably in the face of failure of the program itself, stream the output to avoid using much additional memory, and use a format that preserves the underlying memory structures to ease understanding of the dump. Most importantly, including tools for postmortem analysis out of the box would go a long way toward the adoption of postmortem techniques in these environments.
Postmortem debugging facilities have long enabled operating-system engineers and native-application developers to understand complex software failures from the first occurrence in deployed systems. Such facilities form the backbone of the support process for enterprise systems and are essential for software components at the core of a complex software environment. Even simple platforms for recording postmortem state enable engineers to develop sophisticated analysis tools that help them to quickly root-cause many types of problems.
Meanwhile, modern dynamic languages are growing in popularity because they so effectively facilitate rapid development. Environments such as Node.js also promote programming models that scale well, particularly in the face of latency bubbles. This is becoming increasingly important in today's real-time systems.
Postmortem debugging for dynamic environments is still in its infancy. Most such environments, even those considered mature, do not provide any facility for recording postmortem state, let alone tools for higher-level analysis of such failures. Those tools that do exist are not first-class tools in their respective environments and so are not widely used. As dynamic languages grow in popularity for building critical software components, this gap is becoming increasingly important. Languages that ignore the problems associated with debugging production systems will increasingly be relegated to solving simpler, well-confined, well-understood problems, while those that provide rich tools for understanding failure postmortem will form the basis of the next generation of software bedrock.
Many thanks to Bryan Cantrill, Peter Memishian, and Theo Schlossnagle for reviewing earlier drafts of this article and to Adam Cath, Ryan Dahl, Robert Mustacchi, and many others for helpful discussions on this topic.
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1. Bash Reference Manual (2009);
2. Bonwick, J. The slab allocator: An object-caching kernel memory allocator. Usenix Summer 1994 Technical Conference.
3. Cantrill, B.M. postmortem object type identification. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging. (2003)
4. Debugging with ruby-debug. 2011;
5. Erlang Runtime System Application User's Guide, version 5.8.4. 2011. How to interpret the Erlang crash dumps;
6. Gill, S. The diagnosis of mistakes in programmes on the EDSAC. In Proceedings of the Royal Society A 206 (1951), 538554.
7. GitHub Project. 2011;
8. Incubator Wiki. March 2011 Board reports. Kato project;
9. McGregor, D.R., Malone, J.R. StabdumpA dump interpreter program to assist debugging. Software Practice and Experience 10, 4 (1980), 329332.
10. Python Standard Library. Python v2.7.2 documentation pdbthe Python debugger; 2011;
11. Schrock, E. Debugging AJAX in production. ACM Queue 7, 1 (2009);
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Thank you for the interesting article. However, I have one comment / question regarding the broken code example. The article states that "[t]his simple program has a fatal flaw: while trying to clear each item in the ptrs array at lines 1415, it clears an extra element before the array (where ii = 1)." I agree that the out of bounds access and write on the ptrs array is not good. However, wouldn't dereferencing and writing to an uninitialized pointer be more of a problem here?
I admit I am not familiar with Illumos and it is not clear to me what hardware this example was run on but it seems like writing to below the ptrs array with the negative index is probably just going to write to an area of the stack that isn't currently in use (ptrs, ii, pushed registers, previous stack frame, etc, all being above ptrs[-1]). However, since the stack isn't initialized *(ptrs[ii]) is going to access whatever address happens to be in memory at ptrs[ii] and *(ptrs[ii]) = 0; is going to try and write a 0 to that address. Wouldn't this attempt to write to a random location in memory be more fatal to the program's execution?
Berin, thanks for commenting. Yes, this program does a lot of broken things, and dereferencing one of the array elements is ultimately what lead to the crash. If it hadn't, then corrupting arbitrary memory (either by writing past the end of the array or by successfully dereferencing those pointers) may well have triggered a crash sometime later. In all of these cases, there'd be little hope of root-causing the bug without some kind of memory dump (assuming code inspection is intractable, as it would be in a more realistic program).
The following letter was published in the Letters to the Editor of the April 2012 CACM (
--CACM Administrator
Regarding the article "Postmortem Debugging in Dynamic Environments" by David Pacheco (Dec. 2011), I have a question regarding the broken code example in the section on native environments, where Pacheco said, "This simple program has a fatal flaw: while trying to clear each item in the ptrs array at lines 1415, it clears an extra element before the array (where ii = 1)." I agree the out-of-bounds access and write on the ptrs array could be fatal in some cases, but wouldn't writing to an uninitialized pointer be the true cause of fatality in this case?
I am not familiar with Illumos and do not know what hardware the example was run on, but it seems like writing to an address below the ptrs array with the negative index would probably just write to an area of the stack not currently in use, since ptrs, ii, pushed registers, and previous stack frame all likely exist in memory at addresses above ptrs[-1]. However, since the stack is not initialized, *(ptrs[ii]) will access whatever address happens to be in memory at ptrs[ii], while *(ptrs[ii]) = 0; will try writing 0 to that address. Wouldn't such an attempt to write to a random location in memory be more likely to be fatal to the program's execution than writing to an unused location on the stack?
Berin Babcock-McConnell
The sample program was intentionally broken. If dereferencing one of the array elements did not crash the program immediately (a stroke of luck), then the resulting memory corruption (whether to the stack or elsewhere) might have triggered a crash sometime later. In a more realistic program (where code inspection is impractical), debugging both problems would be hopeless without more information, reinforcing the thesis that rich postmortem analysis tools are the best way to understand such problems in production.
David Pacheco
San Francisco
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