Credit: Gluekit / Photograph by AP Photo / Paul Sakuma
Before Apple, Steve Jobs famously went to India with a college friend. While I never had occasion to talk to Jobs about it, I have a theory I wish I had a chance to try out on him. The theory is that Jobs saw gurus in India, focal points of love and respect, surrounded by devotees, and thought to himself, "I want that job!"
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January 15, 2012 09:37
Excellent commentary. As I recall from my own travels in psychedelic guru circles, the management/enlightenment technique referred to (the abusive part)was known as "the Rod of Ridicule."
It's striking to read Lanier's comment that Jobs "remains the only figure in a non-engineering role I have ever seen win this race against engineers outright."
I assume there's a win/some lose/some dynamic at work here, but which side most often comes out on top, I wonder?
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