Connections among Twitter users who recently mentioned GOP when queried on July 25, 2011, with vertices scaled by numbers of followers. The clusters are created by the patterns of connections (follows, replies, and mentions) among the authors in the graph
Visualization by Marc A. Smith using NodeXL;
How social media are expanding traditional research and development topics for computer and information scientists.
Having participated in some of these workshops to define the research directions, it is nice to see an article that summarized our viewpoints so nicely.
Social media isn't just Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and Google+. It is changing our society, and we need to understand it, and learn how to utilize it properly, for all its power.
Social media exploded into the scene and has made an impact in less than half a decade. The trends set by social media will now predict the next trends to come. Consumer behaviours are changing rapidly, some industries will be obselete while new industries will spruce up. Even our daily activities will change. It is important to pay more attention and delve into research on how to better use reports and measurements from socia media activities.
- Fanny Tham (CreativePeopleAtWork)
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