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Communications of the ACM


Bufferbloat: What's Wrong With the Internet?

Vint Cerf, Jim Gettys,  Van Jacobson, and Nick Weaver

Clockwise from top left: Vint Cerf, chief Internet evangelist for Google; Jim Gettys, technical staff member at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs; Van Jacobson, research fellow at PARC; and Nick Weaver, researcher at the International Computer Science Institute.

Illustrations by John Balestrieri

A discussion with Vint Cerf, Van Jacobson, Nick Weaver, and Jim Gettys.

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Greetings -- thanks to Franz Dill for pointing me to this article from his blog at

The discussion brought up some thoughts on neural networks I have been thinking about for quite a few years --in the broader context, so wrote a response that might be of interest -- (sent a brief version to Vint)

Whats Wrong With the Neural Network? Lack of Data Structure that Enables Governance

Mark Montgomery


I'm confused about Gettys vs. van Jacobson last statements. If the problem occurs at the point of "bandwidth transition" - e.g., from a fast to a slow link, then why are downstream applications such as Netflix and YouTube creating a problem in home networks. Those saturate the downstream link; they do not represent a scenario where a high bandwidth home application (e.g., Skype or Bittorrent) wants to inject upstream traffic.

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