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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Why ACM?

"Another reason to ditch ACM," thundered an ACM member in a social-media posting during recent debate over the Research Works Act, introduced by Congress in 2011. While deep concerns with the bill were widespread, the nasty tone …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Operationalizing Privacy By Design

While I largely agree with Sarah Spiekermann's "The Challenges of Privacy by Design" (July 2012), I want to make it clear that many organizations do understand the need to embed privacy in their systems and technologies and …

Incremental Research vs. Paradigm-Shift Mania

Bertrand Meyer asks why too many research agencies seem obsessed with funding only groundbreaking projects.

Atomic-Level Computing

Thanks to the University of New South Wales and IBM Research, scientists are moving closer to the junction of quantum and digital computing.

Chips Go Upscale

After decades in Flatland, the end of Moore's Law is pushing semiconductors into the third dimension.

Garbage In, Info Out

Security researchers used malware to investigate large-scale Internet censorship in Egypt and Libya.

In Honor of Alan Turing

Thirty-two of the 39 living A.M. Turing Award laureates gathered in San Francisco to pay tribute to "the father of CS" and discuss the past, present, and future of computing.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Seven Lessons From Bad History

Journalists, historians, and the invention of email.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Don't Feel Bad If You Can't Predict the Future

Wise experts and powerful machines are no match for chaotic events and human declarations. Beware of their predictions and be humble in your own.
COLUMN: Law and technology

Automated Prediction: Perception, Law, and Policy

A few predictions about predictions.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

The Need to Balance Innovation and Implementation in Broadening Participation

Seeking to improve the process for writing and reviewing proposals for new educational programs.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Author Order: What Science Can Learn from the Arts

Some thoughts about author order in research papers.

Alan and I

A personal account of Alan Turing's life and impact.
SECTION: Practice

A New Objective-C Runtime: From Research to Production

Backward compatibility always trumps new features.

Software Needs Seatbelts and Airbags

Finding and fixing bugs in deployed software is difficult and time-consuming. Here are some alternatives.

All Your Database Are Belong To Us

In the big open world of the cloud, highly available distributed objects will rule.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Success Factors For Deploying Cloud Computing

Trust between client organization and cloud provider is a strong predictor of successful cloud deployment.

Self-Adaptive Software Needs Quantitative Verification at Runtime

Continually verify self-adaptation decisions taken by critical software in response to changes in the operating environment.
SECTION: Review articles

Questioning Naturalism in 3D User Interfaces

Three-dimensional user interfaces are uniquely able to achieve superior interaction fidelity, and this naturalism can be a huge advantage.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Innovative Interaction: From Concept to the Wild

The history of the relationship between writing systems and technology is as long as it is varied. Likewise, the challenge of entering text using portable gadgets has a long history.

The Word-Gesture Keyboard: Reimagining Keyboard Interaction

As computing technologies expanded beyond the confines of the desktop, the need for effective text entry methods alternative to the ubiquitous desktop keyboards has inspired both academic researchers and the information technology …

Technical Perspective: SQL on an Encrypted Database

There is some risk in trusting the cloud providers with sensitive data. Why not encrypt the data stored in cloud services?

CryptDB: Processing Queries on an Encrypted Database

An ideal solution to satisfying the dual goals of protecting data confidentiality and running computations is to enable a server to compute over encrypted data, without the server ever decrypting the data to plaintext.
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (August 2012) we posted a trio of brainteasers concerning "magic sets." Here, we offer solutions to all three. How did you do?

Q&A: What Women Want

Harvey Mudd College president Maria Klawe talks about increasing the number of women who study computer science.