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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

SGB Fortifies Global SIG Community

ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) cover 36 areas of computing, from graphics to computer-human interfaces, theory to computer architecture, programming languages to bioinformatics, and much more. SIGs form the locus of ACM's …
DEPARTMENT: From the president

Honoring Our Best

It is June again and we gather once more in San Francisco to honor the best among us. It is fitting that we do this, not only to celebrate the successes of our colleagues but to convey to the general public the remarkable power …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

How to Claim Your Fair Share in Academic Publishing

In his editor's letter "To Boycott or Not to Boycott" (Mar. 2013), Moshe Y. Vardi said the traditional author partnership with commercial publishers has turned into an abusive relationship. It is time computer scientists broke …

Computer Security Needs Refocus; And Be Nice About It

Jason Hong wonders whether computer security is missing the mark, while Judy Robertson supports refusing to tolerate discourtesy.

Deep Learning Comes of Age

Advances on multiple fronts are bringing big improvements to the way computers learn, increasing the accuracy of speech and vision systems.

The Future Is Flexible Displays

Manufacturers hint that bendable screens are coming soon, but academics argue that many engineering challenges remain.

Augmented-Reality Glasses Bring Cloud Security Into Sharp Focus

The possibility of a new $200-billion-plus industry has cloud security experts bracing for the ramifications.

Proofs Probable

Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali laid the foundations for modern cryptography, with contributions including interactive and zero-knowledge proofs.

ACM Honors Computing Innovators

ACM's awards celebrate achievements in networks, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, computer science education, versatile compiler technologies, and more.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

Cybercrime, Cyberweapons, Cyber Wars: Is There Too Much of It in the Air?

Where reality stops and perception begins.
COLUMN: The business of software

What Is a 'Good' Estimate?

Whether forecasting is valuable.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

Swamped By Automation

Whenever someone asks you to trust them, don't.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Thumb Numbers

Rules of thumb stated as numerical rules are enticing, but many are folk theorems that may not apply in your critical situation.
COLUMN: Inside risks

Learning from the Past to Face the Risks of Today

The Space Shuttle software program can provide guidance to today's projects.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Access to the Internet Is a Human Right

Connecting Internet access with freedom of expression and creativity.
SECTION: Practice

Resolved: The Internet Is No Place For Critical Infrastructure

Risk is a necessary consequence of dependence.

Real-Time GPU Audio

Real-time finite difference-based sound synthesis using graphics processors.

There Is No Getting Around It: You Are Building a Distributed System

Building a distributed system requires a methodical approach to requirements.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Incentives and Rewarding in Social Computing

Praise, pay, and promote crowd-member workers to elicit desired behavioral responses and performance levels.

Consequence Analysis of Complex Events on Critical U.S. Infrastructure

How to mitigate a cyber-physical attack that disables the transportation network and releases a cloud of chlorine gas.
SECTION: Review articles

Content Recommendation on Web Portals

How to offer recommendations to users when they have not specified what they want.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Circuit Placement Challenges

For a semiconductor circuit with billions of transistors, finding desired locations of circuit components is a challenging task that substantially impacts circuit quality and manufacturing cost.

SimPL: An Algorithm For Placing VLSI Circuits

VLSI placement optimizes locations of circuit components so as to reduce interconnect. We propose an algorithm for large-scale placement that outperforms prior art both in runtime and solution quality on standard benchmarks.  …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (May 2013) we posed a trio of brainteasers concerning Ant Alice and her ant friends who always march at 1 cm/sec in whatever direction they are facing, reversing direction when they collide.

Q&A: Cracking the Code

Turing Award recipients Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali talk about proofs, probability, and poker.