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Communications of the ACM

Review articles

Computational Epidemiology

Computational Epidemiology, illustration

Credit: AS&K Visual Science

The challenge of developing and using computer models to understand and control the diffusion of disease through populations.

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Ronald Mintz

Isn't there an error in Figure 2, graph (B)? It looks like I(2) and I(3) were interchanged. Following the red lines, v6 gets infected at time 2. Then v2 and v5 get infected at time 3. So the epicurve should be (1, 1, 1, 2) with the peak being at time 3.

CACM Administrator

The comment by Ronald Mintz is correct. The labels I(2) and I(3) in Figure 2(B) are mistakenly switched, and the epicurve should be (1,1,1,2).

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