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Communications of the ACM


Software Aims to Ensure Fairness in Crowdsourcing Projects

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The debate rages on about whether crowdsourcing is a win-win for workers, as well as for employers.

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Lilly Irani

M. Six Silberman is the co-creator and maintainer of Turkopticon. As the co-author of the CHI piece, his work has been crucial for the development and sustenance of the system. This article omits his role.

Please also note that the citation has a mistake ('b' not 'v' in Silberman):
Irani, L., and Silberman, M.,
"Turkopticon: Interrupting Worker Invisibility in Amazon Mechanical Turk," April 2013, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,


I don't understand how you can give that Anand Kulkarni guy and his Mobileworks platform like a real competitor to Mturk ! Mobileworks is a second-hand site without work, a cheap script and a abdominal low rates when work is available.I see he speaks about fair wages but he formed a group of workers mostly from Philippines, he calls them Premier and their hourly rates are 2 dollars.
Crowdflower is another slave wage performer most of the workers from Mturk avoid them.Their hits are always with a lot of bugs,underpaid and they don't answer to problems,you can see the Turkoptikon ratings.
Anyway the problem is that some people accept this slavery money and this is the reason why this type of entrepreneurs exist.
Best Regards, Some Worker

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