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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Scalable Conferences

One of the main insights developed at the "Publication Culture in Computing Research" workshop, held in November 2012, was that the computing-research publishing ecosystem — both conferences and journals — has simply failed to …
DEPARTMENT: From the president

Virtual Reality Redux

I have just returned from a trip to Warsaw where I had the opportunity to visit the Copernicus Science Museum. The facility houses an amazing array of interactive exhibits. As I encountered these fascinating experiences, I …

Nominees For Elections and Report of the ACM Nominating Committee

In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the ACM, the Nominating Committee hereby submits the following slate of nominees for ACM's officers.

ACM's FY13 Annual Report

FY'13 was an exceptional year for ACM. Membership reached a record high for the 11th consecutive year, solidifying ACM's lead as the world's largest educational and scientific society in computing.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

U.S. Does Not Control the Internet

In his editor's letter "The End of The American Network" (Nov. 2013), Moshe Y. Vardi made a startling statement that is untrue on several levels.

MOOCs Need More Work; So Do CS Graduates

Mark Guzdial assesses the first full year of massive open online courses, while Joel C. Adams considers the employment outlook for CS grads.

French Team Invents Faster Code-Breaking Algorithm

New method can crack certain cryptosystems far faster than earlier alternatives.

How Do You Feel? Your Computer Knows

Interfaces can sense your mood, if you let them.

'Peace Technologies' Enable Eyewitness Reporting When Disasters Strike

Ushahidi — or "testimony" in Swahili — has played a central role in coordinating responses to crises around the globe.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

The Legacy of Steve Ballmer

Assessing the positive and negative components of the second Microsoft CEO's tenure.
COLUMN: Law and technology

Toward a Closer Integration of Law and Computer Science

Seeking better integration of the insights from the fields of law and technology.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Actually, Turing Did Not Invent the Computer

Separating the origins of computer science and technology.
COLUMN: The business of software

Estimation Is Not Evil

Reconciling agile approaches and project estimates.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Publish Now, Judge Later

A proposal to address the problem of too many conference submissions and not enough time for reviewers to carefully evaluate each one.
SECTION: Practice

The Software Inferno

Dante's tale, as experienced by a software architect.

Toward Software-Defined SLAs

Enterprise computing in the public cloud.

Unikernels: The Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System

What if all the software layers in a virtual appliance were compiled within the same safe, high-level language framework?
SECTION: Contributed articles

Touchless Interaction in Surgery

Touchless interaction with medical images lets surgeons maintain sterility during surgical procedures.

Retweeting the Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

The Japanese government tweeted to calm public fear, as the public generally listened to tweets expressing alarm.

Democratizing Transactional Programming

Control transactions without compromising their simplicity for the sake of expressiveness, application concurrency, or performance.
SECTION: Review articles

A Historical Perspective of Speech Recognition

What do we know now that we did not know 40 years ago?
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Silicon Stress

Moore's Law has been the mainstay of semiconductor electronics since the invention of the transistor and its application to the integrated circuit. Implicit in this evolution is the assumption that we can print these circuits …

TSV Stress-Aware Full-Chip Mechanical Reliability Analysis and Optimization For 3D IC

Three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) with through-silicon-via (TSV) is believed to offer new levels of efficiency, power, performance, and form-factor advantages over the conventional 2D IC.
COLUMN: Last byte

Future Tense: The Second Signal

Even cosmic enlightenment can involve unwelcome contact.