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Communications of the ACM


World Without Wires

testing power to planar spiral coil

Researchers at the Victorian Research Laboratory of NICTA , Australia's Information Communications Technology Research Centre of Excellence, test the provision of power wirelessly to a planar spiral coil.

Credit: Clive Boyd / National ICT Australia Ltd.

Most wireless communication technology in use today remains firmly tethered to a very 20th-century constraint—the need for a robust, reliable and cost-efficient source of power. Indeed, common mobile devices such as cellphones, tablets, and even electric vehicles are still somewhat limited in terms of the amount of time they can operate without needing to be recharged.

As a result, efforts are under way to develop wireless technology that can either generate electricity seemingly from thin air, or utilize inductive transmission to provide a "last mile" of electricity transmission without the use of wires or advanced battery technology.


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