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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

A Front Row Seat to Communications' Editorial Transformation

For the past five years, we have been co-chairs on Communications' editorial board for the Contributed Articles and Review Articles sections. The articles we receive are representative of the expansive reach of information technology …
DEPARTMENT: From the President

The Internet Governance Ecosystem

Over the past decade, the Internet and its governance has become the topic of major discussion, debate, and controversy.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Code That Missed Mars

Gerard J. Holzmann's article "Mars Code" (Feb. 2014) demonstrated a nonblocking implementation of concurrent double-ended queues to not work through an application of Holzmann's own Spin model checker. However, the demonstration …

Eyes Forward

Mark Guzdial considers why computing education lags behind other sciences, while Daniel Reed weighs balancing immediate research needs against future uncertainty.

Using Patient Data For Personalized Cancer Treatments

Patient information databases eventually will help improve health outcomes and support development of new therapies.

Speech-to-Speech Translations Stutter, But Researchers See Mellifluous Future

The practical need for accurate instant or simultaneous machine translations continues to grow as applications multiply.

New Models in Cosmetics Replacing Animal Testing

A European law spurs scientists to develop computational simulations capable of predicting the toxicity of cosmetics.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

MOOCs Revisited, With Some Policy Suggestions

Assessing the rapidly evolving realm of massive open online courses.
COLUMN: Global computing

Thinking Outside the Continent

Encouraging the opportunities for digital innovation and invention to flourish in a variety of social environments.
COLUMN: Kode Vicious

This Is the Foo Field

The meaning of bits and avoiding upgrade bogdowns.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Small Data, Where N = Me

Seeking personalized data-derived insights from analysis of our digital traces.

Is Multicore Hardware For General-Purpose Parallel Processing Broken?

The current generation of general-purpose multicore hardware must be fixed to support more application domains and to allow cost-effective parallel programming.
SECTION: Practice

Rate-Limiting State

The edge of the Internet is an unruly place.

Major-League SEMAT: Why Should an Executive Care?

Becoming better, faster, cheaper, and happier.

Multipath TCP

Decoupled from IP, TCP is at last able to support multihomed hosts.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Who Does What in a Massive Open Online Course?

Student-participation data from the inaugural MITx (now edX) course — 6.002x: Circuits and Electronics — unpacks MOOC student behavior.

Formally Verified Mathematics

With the help of computational proof assistants, formal verification could become the new standard for rigor in mathematics.

Unifying Functional and Object-Oriented Programming with Scala

Scala unifies traditionally disparate programming-language philosophies to develop new components and component systems.
SECTION: Review articles

Security and Privacy For Augmented Reality Systems

AR systems pose potential security concerns that should be addressed before the systems become widespread.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: A 'Reasonable' Solution to Deformation Methods

Jacobson et al. construct a deformation method that allows a wide range of handle types (points, line segments, open and closed polygons) and produces deformations that are biharmonic functions.

Bounded Biharmonic Weights For Real-Time Deformation

Changing an object's shape is a basic operation in computer graphics. Our goal is to make the design and control of deformations simpler by allowing the user to work freely with the most convenient combination of handle types …
COLUMN: Last byte

Future Tense: Re: Search

For some, data collecting will always be more rewarding than data mining.