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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Would Turing Have Passed the Turing Test?

A recent Turing-Test competition was won by a chatterbot pretending to be a teenage boy. The media was abuzz, claiming a machine has finally been able to pass the Turing Test. The real question, however, is whether the Turing …

Augmented Reality

As our computational tools become more and more powerful, we can anticipate that our growing knowledge of the mechanics of our world will allow us to use simulation to visualize, understand, and even design processes that …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Provenance of British Computing

David Anderson's "Tom Kilburn: A Tale of Five Computers" (May 2014) was fascinating and informative, but no article on the history of British computing can avoid the precedence controversy between the Universities of Manchester …

Refining Students' Coding and Reviewing Skills

Philip Guo sees code reviews providing students "lots of pragmatic learning."

Weathering a New Era of Big Data

Increased computing power combined with new and more advanced models are changing weather forecasting.

The Power of Memory

In-memory databases promise speedier processing.

The New Digital Medicine

Affordable, connected, personal medical devices are slowly changing the nature of health care.
COLUMN: Law and technology

Accountability in Future Internet Architectures

Can technical and legal aspects be happily intertwined?
COLUMN: Historical reflections

We Have Never Been Digital

Reflections on the intersection of computing and the humanities.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Learning For the New Digital Age

Digital machines are automating knowledge work at an accelerating pace. How shall we learn and stay relevant?
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Exploratory Engineering in Artificial Intelligence

Using theoretical models to plan for AI safety.

Soft Infrastructure Challenges to Scientific Knowledge Discovery

Seeking to overcome nontechnical challenges to the scientific enterprise.
SECTION: Practice

Securing the Tangled Web

Preventing script injection vulnerabilities through software design.

The Network Is Reliable

An informal survey of real-world communications failures.

Privacy, Anonymity, and Big Data in the Social Sciences

Quality social science research and the privacy of human subjects require trust.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Security, Cybercrime, and Scale

Defense begins by identifying the targets likely to yield the greatest reward for an attacker's investment.

Online Deception in Social Media

The unknown and the invisible exploit the unwary and the uninformed for illicit financial gain and reputation damage.
SECTION: Review articles

Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion

Exploring the distinction between an optimal robot motion and a robot motion resulting from the application of optimization techniques.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Portraiture in the Age of Big Data

"Moving Portraits" is, in some sense, part of the perpetual quest to capture the perfect portrait. Its principal contribution is in adapting this age-old problem to our post-modern, big data world.

Moving Portraits

We present an approach for generating face animations from large image collections of the same person. By optimizing the quantity and order in which photos are displayed, we can create moving portraits from collections of still …
COLUMN: Last byte

Puzzled: Solutions and Sources

Last month (August 2014), we presented three puzzles concerning the Path Game and the Match Game, each of which can be played on any finite graph.

Q&A: Finding Themes

ACM-Infosys Foundation Award recipient David Blei recalls the origins of his famous topic model, its extensions, and its uses in areas that continue to amaze him.