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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Focusing on Teacher Needs in K-12 CS Education

CS educational needs in K–12 are greater today than ever before. A lack of access to CS among a range of demographics continues to persist. Enter the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA).

On the Road in Latin America

For the past month, I have been on the road in Latin America. Everywhere, I came away with a sense there is strong interest in Internet use in business, education, government services, and applications for the general public.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Let the Liable Pay

 In his letter to the editor (Nov. 2015) on Keith Kirkpatrick's news story "The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars" (Aug. 2015), Hans Grünberger attacked my proposal for ethics review boards. The letter mischaracterizes my beliefs …

ACM's 2016 General Election

In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the ACM, the Nominating Committee hereby submits the following slate of nominees for ACM's officers.

ACM's Annual Report For FY15

In the following pages you will find a year filled with determined initiatives, new services, and "firsts" designed to increase the value of your ACM membership. But accomplishments are only half the story.

Controlling Cyber Arms, and Creating New Legos

John Arquilla identifies flaws in a potential U.S.-China cyber arms control pact, while Joel C. Adams suggests an unusual way of preserving computer science history.

Seeing More Clearly

Computer understanding of images has improved rapidly, but true visual intelligence is still a long way off.

Better Memory

Advances in non-volatile memory are changing the face of computing and ushering in a new era of efficiencies.

Preserving the Internet

Is the Internet ephemeral by its nature, or can it be archived?

Gene Amdahl, 1922-2015

Gene Amdahl, who formulated Amdahl's Law and worked with IBM and others on developments related to mainframe computing, died recently from complications of pneumonia.
COLUMN: Law and technology

Biometric Identity

Assessing the promises and dangers of biometric identity plans.
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

Extrapolating from Moore's Law

Behind and beyond Microsoft, Intel, and Apple.
COLUMN: The business of software

The Chaos Machine

Complexity, predictability, and modern projects.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Where Code Comes From: Architectures of Automatic Control from Babbage to Algol

Considering the evolving concept of programming.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Unbalanced Data Leads to Obsolete Economic Advice

Few computer scientists and technological workers worry about their role in the economies of their industries and their countries. Background supplementary material available.

Why Knowledge Representation Matters

A personal story: From philosophy to software.
SECTION: Practice

Time Is an Illusion Lunchtime Doubly So

Ford Prefect to Arthur Dent in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Non-Volatile Storage

Implications of the datacenter's shifting center.

Immutability Changes Everything

We need it, we can afford it, and the time is now.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Spatial Computing

Knowing where you are in space and time promises a deeper understanding of neighbors, ecosystems, and the environment.

Open Data and Civic Apps: First-Generation Failures, Second-Generation Improvements

Developers first need compelling incentives and committed management.

The Building Blocks of a Cloud Strategy: Evidence from Three SaaS Providers

Before looking to enter a cloud-based market, weigh industry characteristics and one's own stock of design capital.
SECTION: Review articles

Algebraic Fingerprints For Faster Algorithms

Algorithmic solutions to tough computational problems are making an impressive comeback.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: High-Performance Virtualization: Are We Done?

"Bare-Metal Performance for Virtual Machines with Exitless Interrupts" shows how to enable a virtual machine to attain "bare metal" performance from high-speed network interface cards.

Bare-Metal Performance For Virtual Machines with Exitless Interrupts

We present ExitLess Interrupts (ELI), a software-only approach for handling interrupts within guest virtual machines directly and securely.

Technical Perspective: Enlisting the Power of the Crowd

An important contribution of "Answering Enumeration Queries with the Crowd" is the observation that by using the crowd for the collection of new data, we are departing from the classical closed word assumption, which underlies …

Answering Enumeration Queries with the Crowd

Hybrid human/computer database systems promise to greatly expand the usefulness of query processing by incorporating the crowd. Such systems raise many implementation questions. To address the issues, we develop statistical tools …
COLUMN: Last byte

Upstart Puzzles: Ice Trap

Imagine a 500-square-by-500-square red/black ice checkerboard with walls along all four edges.