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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Departments

The ACM Code of Ethics: A Call to Action

The ACM Committee on Professional Ethics is updating the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Here I reflect on how those changes motivate a call to action for the profession.

Making a Positive Impact: Updating the ACM Code of Ethics

The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes what brings us together as a profession. As members of the ACM we have all consented to the Code; that consent underlies the conscience of our profession and is the foundation …

When Email Isn't Private

Is email ever private? It seems clear that we need standards and agreements to protect email while in transit between mail transfer agents and between users and transfer agents.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Reclaim the Lost Promise of the Semantic Web

I was eager to learn about the latest developments in the Semantic Web as explored in "A New Look at the Semantic Web" (Sept. 2016), but by the end I had the impression the entire vision of a Semantic Web was somehow at risk. …

ICER 2016, and Star Trek at 50

Mark Guzdial reports on promising papers, and Daniel Reed recalls a television show that continues to inspire innovation.

Cracking the Code on Biology

Genetic engineering promises to revolutionize everything from agriculture and biofuels to medicine and food safety.

Containers Push Toward the Mayfly Server

The container revolution represents a large-scale shift in thinking about multitasking systems.

Can We Trust Autonomous Weapons?

Nations consider using defense systems that can make their own lethal decisions.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Learning to Learn

Do you get stuck when it is time to learn something new? Read this.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Nailing Smoke

Curation at the bleeding edge of technology.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

Mentoring Female Assistant Professors Enhances Their Success

A randomized controlled trial validates many of the practices used to retain women in academia.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Assessing Abstraction Skills

What makes a good question?

(Mis)Managing Parallel Computing Research Through EU Project Funding

Considering the possible negative long-term effects of EU projects on European scientific culture.
SECTION: Practice

Functional at Scale

Applying functional programming principles to distributed computing projects.

React: Facebook's Functional Turn on Writing Javascript

A discussion with Pete Hunt, Paul O'Shannessy, Dave Smith, and Terry Coatta

Industrial-Scale Agile: From Craft to Engineering

Essence is instrumental in moving software development toward a true engineering discipline.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Interactive Visualization of 3D Scanned Mummies at Public Venues

A full-body virtual autopsy of an ancient Egyptian mummy showed visitors he was likely murdered.

Creating Connection with Autonomous Facial Animation

Biologically based computational modeling promises virtual characters capable of face-to-face human interaction.
SECTION: Review articles

Anticipating Policy and Social Implications of Named Data Networking

Considering the social impact of a proposed future Internet architecture.

Mathematical Foundations For Social Computing

Social computing benefits from mathematical foundations, but research has barely scratched the surface.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Chemistry of Software-Defined Batteries

A time-tested principle in computer systems design is to use an interface to separate an abstraction from its implementation. "Software-Defined Batteries" represents a convergence of these two evolutionary threads.

Software-Defined Batteries

In this paper, we present a new hardware-software system, called Software Defined Battery, which allows system designers to integrate batteries of different chemistries.

Technical Perspective: 3D Image Editing Made Easy

The authors of "Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep" present an important step toward achieving 3D editing.

Extracting 3D Objects from Photographs Using 3-Sweep

We introduce an interactive technique to extract and manipulate simple 3D shapes in a single photograph.
COLUMN: Last byte

A View to the Future

Takeo Kanede, recipient of the 2016 Kyoto prize for advanced technology for pioneering contributions to computer vision and robotics, sees respect as an important part of quality of life technology initiatives.