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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

The Moral Imperative of Artificial Intelligence

The big news on March 12 of this year was of the Go-playing AI-system AlphaGo securing victory against world champion Lee Se-dol. AlphaGo's victory is a stunning achievement and another milestone in the inexorable march of AI …

The IANA Transition

This month I explore the proposal sent in March 2016 by ICANN to the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunication and Information Agency (NTIA) to end the long-standing contractual relationship between ICANN and NTIA …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Why All Writs Is a Trojan Horse

Citing the All Writs act as a way to give the government the power to compel companies to redesign or reimplement their electronic products to government specifications represents a threat to everyone's civil liberties.

ACM's 2016 General Election: Please Take This Opportunity to Vote

Meet the candidates who introduce their plans — and stands — for the Association.

Bringing Computer Science to U.S. Schools, State By State

Mark Guzdial considers the crucial role of states in Computer Science for All.

Silicon Photonics: Ready to Go the Distance?

Processes for making CMOS chips are adapted for optical components.

Cybersecurity Gets Smart

Researchers aim to apply artificial intelligence and machine-learning methods to take cybersecurity to a new, higher, and better level.

Coding as Sport

Programming competitions help identify and reward those who excel in coding.
COLUMN: Law and technology

The Internet of Things We Don't Own?

Who will control the 'ordinary pursuits of life' in the digital economy?
COLUMN: Education

Beyond Blocks: Syntax and Semantics

How the future of general-purpose programming tools could include blocks-based structured editing, and how we should study students transitioning to text-based programming tools.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Do Patent Commons and Standards-Setting Organizations Help Navigate Patent Thickets?

Examining the institutions underlying the patent system for information and communication technologies.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Preserving Hybrid Objects

Brutal lessons from contemporary art.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

How to Increase the Security of Smart Buildings?

Surveying unresolved security problems for automated buildings.
SECTION: Practice

Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes

Lessons learned from three container-management systems over a decade.

Delegation as Art

Be someone who makes everyone else better.

Use-Case 2.0

The hub of software development.
SECTION: Contributed articles

The Challenges of Partially Automated Driving

Car automation promises to free our hands from the steering wheel but might demand more from our minds.

Parallel Graph Analytics

Data-centric abstractions and execution strategies are needed to exploit parallelism in large-scale graph analytics.

Static Presentation Consistency Issues in Smartphone Mapping Apps

Comparing smartphone mapping apps leads to unexpected surprises.
SECTION: Review articles

A Survey of Robotic Musicianship

Reviewing the technologies that enable robot musicians to jam.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: A Breakthrough in Software Obfuscation

In "Hiding Secrets in Software," Garg et al. construct a "one-way compiler" of the type envisioned by Diffie and Hellman.

Hiding Secrets in Software: A Cryptographic Approach to Program Obfuscation

Can we hide secrets in software? Can we make programs unintelligible while preserving their functionality? Why would we even want to do this? In this article, we describe some rigorous cryptographic answers to these quasi-philosophical …

Technical Perspective: Software Is Natural

"On the Naturalness of Software" by Hindle et al. takes an entirely new approach to providing tools to help build software.

On the Naturalness of Software

We begin with the conjecture that most software is natural, with all the attendant constraints and limitations — and thus, like natural language, it is also likely to be repetitive and predictable.
COLUMN: Last byte

Future Tense: Becoming a Multi-Planet Species

Imagine hyper-realistic virtual space exploration limited only by the data we are able to collect.