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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Academic Rankings Considered Harmful!

Academic rankings, in general, provide highly misleading ways to inform academic decision making by individuals. Using such rankings for academic decision making is letting third-party business interests influence our academic …

Keeping the Internet Open

To those who have spoken for and who espouse an open and welcoming Internet now falls the task of keeping it that way. To do so will require more than words and argument.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Election Auditing and Verifiability

Re "The Risks of Self-Auditing Systems" (June 2016): While Internet voting (like any remote-voting method) is indeed vulnerable to vote buying and selling, end-to-end verifiable voting is not.

Reconciling Quantum Physics with Math

Mathematicians explore the root of many problems in developing a proof for the Kadison-Singer problem.

GPUs Reshape Computing

Graphical processing units have emerged as a major powerhouse in the computing world, unleashing huge advancements in deep learning and AI.

The Edge of the Uncanny

Scientists are learning more about what makes robots and chatbots engaging.
COLUMN: Law and Technology

No Easy Answers in the Fight Over iPhone Decryption

A look at the legal background and future possibilities for an issue that is likely to reoccur.
COLUMN: The profession of IT

Software Quality

Software users are looking more and more for software that delights.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

'For All' in 'Computer Science For All'

Seeking to expand inclusiveness in computer science education.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Designing AI Systems that Obey Our Laws and Values

Calling for research on automatic oversight for artificial intelligence systems.

Helping Conference Attendees Better Understand Research Presentations

Sharing lessons learned from a lecture program for making technical material more accessible to conference attendees.

A New Look at the Semantic Web

Seeking to make Web data "smarter" by utilizing a new kind of semantics.
SECTION: Practice

Introducing Research For Practice

Expert-curated guides to the best of CS research.

Bad Software Architecture Is a People Problem

When people don't work well together they make bad decisions.

10 Optimizations on Linear Search

The operations side of the story.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Why Data Citation Is a Computational Problem

Using database views to define citable units is the key to specifying and generating citations to data.

Dynamic Presentation Consistency Issues in Smartphone Mapping Apps

Smartphone mapping apps routinely fail to follow centuries-old mapmaking dynamic consistency principles and practices.
SECTION: Review articles

Learning Executable Semantic Parsers For Natural Language Understanding

Semantic parsing is a rich fusion of the logical and the statistical worlds.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Dawn of Computational Light Transport

What would the world look like if we had a chance to observe it with a trillion frame-per-second video camera? "Imaging the Propagation of Light through Scenes at Picosecond Resolution" by Velten et al. represents an audacious …

Imaging the Propagation of Light Through Scenes at Picosecond Resolution

We present a novel imaging technique, which we call femtophotography, to capture and visualize the propagation of light through table-top scenes with an effective exposure time of 1.85 ps per frame.

Technical Perspective: Jupiter Rising

As "Jupiter Rising" makes clear, many of the Internet mechanisms for maintaining large-scale networks are suboptimal when the datacenter is largely homogeneous, exhibits strong regularity within its structure, and when its bandwidth …

Jupiter Rising: A Decade of Clos Topologies and Centralized Control in Google's Datacenter Network

We present our approach for overcoming the cost, operational complexity, and limited scale endemic to datacenter networks a decade ago.
COLUMN: Last byte

Q&A: Hello, Underworld

Stefan Savage's innovative research has focused on strengthening the security, privacy, and reliability of networks.