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Technical Perspective: Proving File Systems Meet Expectations

File systems have been a standard part of computer systems for over 50 years. We routinely (and mostly unthinkingly) use them to store and retrieve persistent data. But how persistent are they really?

This question is far trickier to answer than it may seem at first, for several reasons. Persistent storage media are orders of magnitude slower than non-persistent memories, such as processor registers or random-access memory. They are also organized differently: persistent media are read or written in blocks whose size is on the order of kilobytes but can be up to megabytes. Bridging the speed and granularity gaps requires complex logic for data buffering, implementing efficient lookups, and reordering slow operations to obtain the best performance. Some of this is performed by the operating system, and some of it in the firmware of the storage device, with limited operating-system control.

The file system hides this complexity behind a simple read-write interface, with the promise that data that has been written to a persistent medium can be retrieved correctly at a later time (provided the storage medium itself is not destroyed).

What makes it tricky to fulfill this promise is the fact that computer systems are (still) not reliable—they crash. Such a crash may be the result of a physical failure (lack of electrical power), but is more frequently the result of failing software, especially the operating system, or even the file-system implementation itself. Unless great care is taken, such a failure can lead to loss or corruption of supposedly persistent data. For example, a write operation may have updated an internal buffer but not yet reached the persistent medium, resulting in data loss. Reordering may lead to causality violations, where data produced later in the computation is made persistent, while data logically produced before is not. In extreme cases, corruption of metadata, such as lookup data structures, can result in the loss of data that had been made persistent earlier.

Different file systems go to different lengths in trying to prevent such loss, from making no guarantees at all, to guaranteeing the integrity of metadata, to guaranteeing persistence and integrity of all data written before an explicit or implicit synchronization barrier. But what do those "guarantees" really mean, when they are implemented in complex software that is almost certainly buggy?

In particular, what does it mean that a file system is "crash safe?"

Experience shows that these are serious questions, with even "mature" file systems failing to live up to their promises if crashes happen at particularly inopportune moments. Ideally, one would like a proof that the promise is kept under all circumstances. But you cannot even start on such a proof if you cannot clearly define what crash-safety really means.

The following paper presents a big step toward real-world file systems that are crash-safe in a strict sense. It develops a formalism called crash Hoare logic, which extends the traditional Hoare logic, widely used for reasoning about programs, by a crash condition. This allows the authors to reason about consistency of file systems, when crashes may occur at an arbitrary time during execution. It can even deal with crashes happening during recovery, when the file system attempts to reconstruct a consistent state from whatever it finds on the persistent medium after a crash, and in the worst case no progress happens (a situation that could arise due to a crash triggered by a fault in the file system itself).

This is truly remarkable work, combining the development of a new formalism with its application in real systems to prove very complex properties.

The authors show how this logic can be applied to actual file systems, including difficulties such as read and write operations that are asynchronous to the execution of the file-system code. They then use this formalism to specify and implement an actual, fully featured file system, and produce a machine-checked and largely automated proof that this file system is actually crash-safe.

This is truly remarkable work, combining the development of a new formalism with its application in real systems to prove very complex properties. It is exactly this kind of properties where formal proofs are most powerful, as anything that is as complex and interconnected as the crash-safety property is notoriously difficult to get right in the implementation. Experience shows it is almost never right—unless formally proved.

Proof automation is very important to making such techniques scale to real-world, high-performance systems. In this paper, the authors have taken a first step toward reducing the manual effort, and their work has already triggered further progress in automating such proof. Other work has demonstrated the feasibility of automating some of the underlying infrastructure, which this work assumes correct without proof. All this means is that complete operating systems, with full proofs of functional correctness, may be closer than we thought only two years ago.

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Gernot Heiser is a Scientia Professor and the John Lions Chair for operating systems at the University of New South Wales.

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