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Communications of the ACM


The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things, illustration


Since its inauguration in 1966, the ACM A.M. Turing Award has recognized major contributions of lasting importance to computing. Through the years, it has become the most prestigious award in computing. To help celebrate 50 years of the ACM Turing Award and the visionaries who have received it, ACM has launched a campaign called "Panels in Print," which takes the form of a collection of responses from Turing laureates, ACM award recipients and other ACM experts on a given topic or trend.

For our third Panel in Print, we invited 2009 ACM Prize recipient ERIC BREWER, 2004 ACM A.M. Turing Award co-recipient VINT CERF, 2016–2017 Athena Lecturer JENNIFER REXFORD, ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award recipient MARTIN CASADO, ACM Fellows NICK FEAMSTER and JIM KUROSE, and ACM member GEORGE ROUSSOS to discuss the Internet of Things (IoT).


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