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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


The Role of Archives in Digital Preservation

A significant test of any specification is that multiple, independent implementations can be shown to interwork. Establishing standards and allowing archives to be networked could create an ecosystem with substantial resilience …
DEPARTMENT: Vardi's insights

Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility

A dramatic drop in the public view of Tech, a term that I use to refer both to computing technology and the community that generates that technology, has accompanied the recent recognition of the adverse societal consequences …
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

A Leap from Artificial to Intelligence

I am astonished that people who know what computers can do, and, especially, how they do it, still think we (humankind) will ever create a rational being, much less that the day is near.

The Big Idea and the PD Pipeline

Former Computer Science Teachers Association executive director Mark R. Nelson discusses his work with the group to overcome core challenges to computer science education.

Feeling Sounds, Hearing Sights

A new wave of sensory substitution devices work to assist people who are blind or deaf.

Smartphone Science

A new generation of portable scientific instruments is taking shape, thanks to mobile processors and innovative data-gathering techniques.

The New Jobs

As automation takes on more and more tasks, what will human workers do?
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management

The Sharing Economy Meets Reality

Assessing the uncertainties of the business models driving the sharing economy.
COLUMN: Law and technology

How Law and Computer Science Can Work Together to Improve the Information Society

Seeking to remedy bad legislation with good science.
COLUMN: Historical reflections

Defining American Greatness: IBM from Watson to Trump

Reflections on a firm that encapsulated the American Century.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

Technology and the Failure of the University

Considering the double-edged sword of learning technologies in various academic settings.

Ask Not What Your Postdoc Can Do For You . . .

Seeking more effective strategies for training and nurturing CS postdocs to ensure their success.
SECTION: Practice

Network Applications Are Interactive

The network era requires new models, with interactions instead of algorithms.

Abstracting the Geniuses Away from Failure Testing

Ordinary users need tools that automate the selection of custom-tailored faults to inject.

Cache Me If You Can

Building a decentralized Web-delivery model.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Popularity Spikes Hurt Future Chances For Viral Propagation of Protomemes

Once a meme gets popular, it will have to evolve to keep being popular.

Decentralized Blockchain-Based Electronic Marketplaces

In a decentralized marketplace, buyers and sellers transact directly, without manipulation by intermediary platforms.
SECTION: Review articles

Information Hiding: Challenges For Forensic Experts

The practice of hiding ill-gotten data in digital objects is rising among cyber thieves. New initiatives serve to educate, train, and thwart these activities.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: Moving Spectrum

The incentive auction scenario provides the backdrop for the breathtaking research contribution presented by Newman et al. in "Deep Optimization for Spectrum Repacking."

Deep Optimization For Spectrum Repacking

This paper describes the process by which we built the SAT-based Feasibility Checker, a crucial element of the 2016-17 U.S. FCC "incentive auction" design.

Technical Perspective: Can High Performance Be Portable?

"Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-Performance Image Processing" by Ragan-Kelley et al. on the image processing language Halide explores a substantially different approach to architecture-specific code optimization …

Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules For High-Performance Image Processing

We propose a new programming language for image processing pipelines, called Halide, that separates the algorithm from its schedule.
COLUMN: Last byte

Polychromatic Choreography

Consider a configuration of six dancers on a grid, where three wear blue leotards and three wear red leotards.
DEPARTMENT: ACM code of ethics and professional conduct

ACM Code of Ethics: A Guide For Positive Action

THE ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (the Code) is being updated by the Code Update Task Force in conjunction with the ACM's Committee on Professional Ethics. The Code was initially written in 1992, and this is the …