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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

COLUMN: Broadening participation

Session details: Broadening participation

COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Session details: Economic and business dimensions

DEPARTMENT: From the President

Reflections on My Two Years

I see ACM as a continual 'work in progress' as computing and our community evolves. In the future, I believe ACM will need to constantly reassess priorities and activities to ensure we remain vital to the global computing community …

On Neural Networks

Many applications are surfacing for neural network systems, including reliable identification of diseases (for example, diabetic retinopathy, cancerous cells), situational awareness for self-driving cars, and a raft of other …
DEPARTMENT: Vardi's insights

How the Hippies Destroyed the Internet

Communism is the most famous 20th-century attempt to build market-free economies. It required coercion on a colossal scale. The Internet is the second major attempt to build a market-free economy, limited to information.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the editor

Teach the Law (and the AI) 'Foreseeability'

AI is a sort of idiot savant that can be unpredictably, and potentially, dangerously literal.

We Are Done With 'Hacking'

Today's programmers offer more valuable skills than simply being able to hack algorithms and make data structures, says Yegor Bugayenko.

Why Cryptocurrencies Use So Much Energy

The electricity consumption of mining for cryptocurrencies is becoming a real concern. Here's what to do about it.

You've Got Mail!

And that's not all. Email is not what it used to be.

Bringing the Internet to the (Developing) World

A growing number of low-cost (and free!) solutions aim to open the Internet to developing regions.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Copyright Blocks a News-Monitoring Technology

An evolving technological landscape has made application of copyright law increasingly difficult.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

Blockchain Revolution Without the Blockchain?

Most of the suggested benefits of blockchain technologies do not come from elements unique to the blockchain.
COLUMN: Broadening participation

Beyond Diversity

Considering the confluence of research questions and sociopolitical dynamics.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

A New Perspective on Computational Thinking

Addressing its cognitive essence, universal value, and curricular practices.

The Case for Disappearing Cyber Security

A proposal for keeping cyber security both out of sight and out of mind for end users.
SECTION: Practice

C Is Not a Low-Level Language

Your computer is not a fast PDP-11.

How to Come Up with Great Ideas

Think like an entrepreneur.

Research for Practice: Toward a Network of Connected Things

Expert-curated guides to the best of CS research.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Making Machine Learning Robust Against Adversarial Inputs

Such inputs distort how machine-learning-based systems are able to function in the world as it is.

Digital Nudging: Guiding Online User Choices through Interface Design

Designers can create designs that nudge users toward the most desirable option.

Always Measure One Level Deeper

Performance measurements often go wrong, reporting surface-level results that are more marketing than science.
SECTION: Review articles

The ABCs of Effectiveness in The Digital Society

Digital effectiveness is not the same as mastering the ICTs, rather it is the art of using them in a purposeful, healthy way.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Rewards of Selfish Mining

"Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable," by Eyal and Sirer, questions the 2009 Bitcoin white paper's implicit assumption of perfect information—that all miners have the same view of the blockchain.

Majority Is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining Is Vulnerable

We propose a practical modification to the Bitcoin protocol that protects Bitcoin in the general case.
COLUMN: Last byte

String Wars

Suppose someone gives you two strings: X and Y. Your goal is . . .