DEPARTMENT: Editor's letter
We are manifestly in a new era of international relations—"An Age of Distrust"—where the trend toward increased trade and integration has stalled, if not reversed.
Andrew A. Chien
Page 5
Innovation for Jobs ( recently published a book describing a new, people-centered view of work. Rather than organizing work around tasks, the idea is to organize work around people and their skills.
Vinton G. Cerf
Page 6
DEPARTMENT: Departments
The computing field seems to be going through another image crisis these days. Many view this as an ethical crisis. I am dubious of the diagnosis.
Moshe Y. Vardi
Page 7
Judy Robertson addresses the disconnect between what children are taught about computers and what they actually wish to know.
Judy Robertson
Pages 8-9
A new proof supports a 25-year-old claim of the unique power of quantum computing.
Don Monroe
Pages 10-12
Forced errors focus attention on neural network quirks.
Chris Edwards
Pages 13-14
Three-dimensional scanning can be used to protect or rebuild historic structures, but who owns that digital data?
Esther Shein
Pages 15-17
COLUMN: Law and technology
Examining the potential legal consequences of using pricing algorithms.
Michal S. Gal
Pages 18-20
COLUMN: Technology strategy and management
Considering a potential platform candidate in the evolving realm of gene-editing technologies research.
Michael A. Cusumano
Pages 21-23
COLUMN: Historical reflections
Fifty years on, NASA's expensive triumph is a widely misunderstood model for spectacular innovation.
Thomas Haigh
Pages 24-30
COLUMN: Viewpoint
A unique perspective on experiences encouraging students to focus on further education.
Niels Da Vitoria Lobo, Mubarak A. Shah
Pages 31-34
Understanding behavior by building models.
Edward A. Lee
Pages 35-36
SECTION: Practice
Save time by sharing and reusing build and test output.
Alpha Lam
Pages 38-42
Securely running processes that require the entire syscall interface.
Jessie Frazelle
Pages 43-45
Automation and a little discipline allow better testing, shorter release cycles, and reduced business risk.
Thomas A. Limoncelli
Pages 46-49
SECTION: Contributed articles
In addition to having a detailed understanding of the artifacts they intend to create, designers need to guide the software tools they use.
Stefan Seidel, Nicholas Berente, Aron Lindberg, Kalle Lyytinen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Pages 50-57
Featuring the various dimensions of data management, it guides organizations through implementation fundamentals.
Sergio Orenga-Roglá, Ricardo Chalmeta
Pages 58-65
In its original form, the Church-Turing thesis concerned computation as Alan Turing and Alonzo Church used the term in 1936—human computation.
B. Jack Copeland, Oron Shagrir
Pages 66-74
SECTION: Review articles
A research agenda for intelligent systems that will result in fundamental new capabilities for understanding the Earth system.
Yolanda Gil, Suzanne A. Pierce, Hassan Babaie, Arindam Banerjee, Kirk Borne, Gary Bust, Michelle Cheatham, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Carla Gomes, Mary Hill, John Horel, Leslie Hsu, Jim Kinter, Craig Knoblock, David Krum, Vipin Kumar, Pierre Lermusiaux, Yan Liu, Chris North, Victor Pankratius, Shanan Peters, Beth Plale, Allen Pope, Sai Ravela, Juan Restrepo, Aaron Ridley, Hanan Samet, Shashi Shekhar, Katie Skinner, Padhraic Smyth, Basil Tikoff, Lynn Yarmey, Jia Zhang
Pages 76-84
Classical mathematical game theory helps to evolve the emerging logic of identity in the cyber world.
William Casey, Ansgar Kellner, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, Jose Andre Morales, Bud Mishra
Pages 85-93
SECTION: Research highlights
If facial performance capture is possible for conventional RGB videos in real time, then believable facial expressions can be transferred effortlessly from one person to another in a live-action scenario. This capability is demonstrated …
Hao Li
Page 95
Face2Face is an approach for real-time facial reenactment of a monocular target video sequence (e.g., Youtube video). Our goal is to animate the facial expressions of the target video by a source actor and re-render the manipulated …
Justus Thies, Michael Zollhöfer, Marc Stamminger, Christian Theobalt, Matthias Nießner
Pages 96-104
"Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice," by David Adrian et al., illustrates the importance of taking preprocessing attacks into account when choosing cryptographic parameters.
Dan Boneh
Page 105
We investigate the security of Diffie-Hellman key exchange as used in popular Internet protocols and find it to be less secure than widely believed.
David Adrian, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Zakir Durumeric, Pierrick Gaudry, Matthew Green, J. Alex Halderman, Nadia Heninger, Drew Springall, Emmanuel Thomé, Luke Valenta, Benjamin VanderSloot, Eric Wustrow, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin, Paul Zimmermann
Pages 106-114
COLUMN: Last byte
Consumers and pharmaceutical companies have at least one interest in common: Neither wants the consumer to consume counterfeit drugs.
Dennis Shasha
Pages 120-ff