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Communications of the ACM

Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Scalability of CertiKOS

For moderate-size sequential programs, formal verification works—we can build a formal machine-checkable proof that a program is correct, with respect to a formal specification in logic. Machine-checked formal verifications of functional correctness have already been demonstrated for operating-system microkernels, optimizing compilers, cryptographic primitives and protocols, and so on.

But suppose we want to verify a high-performance hypervisor kernel programmed in C, that runs on a real (x86) machine, that is capable of booting up Linux in each of its (hypervisor) guest partitions? Real machines these days are multicore—the hypervisor should provide multicore partitions that can host multicore guests, all protected from each other, but interacting via shared memory synchronized by locks. Furthermore, the operating system itself should be multicore, with fine-grain synchronization—we do not want one global lock guarding all the system calls by all the cores and threads.


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