Credit: Spooky Pooka / Debut Art
We are pleased to introduce the India Region special section to Communications' readers. The Indian subcontinent has a population close to 1.8 billion, and is unique due to its diversity of people, cultures, spoken languages, and wide disparities in socioeconomic conditions. The region plays an important role in the global computing landscape with its highly trained manpower, software companies, and top universities that produce students that not only serve local needs, but move around the world and have global impact. We developed this special section to mirror all these facets.
Last year, we publicized the plans for the special section and made an open call for contributions through ACM member channels and the ACM India website. We received 45 proposals through this period and augmented the list by reaching out to others to cover specific topics and areas. We also received proposals from colleagues in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A selection of 22 outlines were identified for consideration. A workshop held at Microsoft Research in Bangalore on February 23, 2019 converged on the selection of 17 proposals to pursue as full articles. These articles underwent three rounds of reviews and modification. The final section presents nine articles covering Hot Topics and nine articles following Big Trends.
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