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Communications of the ACM

India Region Special Section: Hot topics

Computing Research at Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services building

Credit: Bilal Aliyar m / Shutterstock

Sometime in the early 1960s a young general manager of the Tata Electric Co. in Mumbai (then Bombay) visited the nearby Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR),a where India's first electronic-stored program computer resided. That manager, F.C. Kohli, began using the computer to optimize load dispatch operations for the city. Within a few years J.R.D. Tata, then chairman and doyen of the Tata group of companies, called upon Kohli to look after the new computing division—Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). That division soon began catering to clients both outside the group and outside India—in Europe and North America—pioneering the 'offshore development' model.

The seeds of the Indian software industry had been sown.


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