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Communications of the ACM

Letters to the editor

You Can Publish It!: (You Have To)

Letters to the Editor, illustration

Credit: Getty Images

The Viewpoint column "Online Voting: We Can Do It! (We Have To)" in the September 2019 issue is naïve and unscientific. Although the column is explicitly framed as a response to the scientific community of experts who explain the dangers of Internet voting, it does not actually cite any of the scientific literature Ms. Orman is claiming to refute.

The scientific community (the "9 out of 10 experts" she mentions) have published many articles and reports laying out the scientific basis for why online voting is inherently insecure (given any known or imminently foreseeable technology).1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Yet Ms. Orman does not cite any of these scientific papers among the bibliographic citations in the References section of her column. Given that Communication's Viewpoint format does not permit an extensive bibliography, she did not have room to cite all of references listed here,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 but in a response to the scientific community it would have been appropriate to cite (and explicitly respond to the science in) at least some of them.


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